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Posts Tagged with "broadway"

Second on our gorgeous lineup of housing reviews is Broadway Hall, a solid option for upperclassman singles.

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Happening in the world: Amid high tension in the Korean peninsula, after the US warns North Korea that its “strategic patience” is over, North Korea detained Kim Dong-chul, a 62-year-old naturalized US citizen born in South Korea. (BBC) Happening in the US: Us actress Erin Moran, best known for playing Joanie in sitcom Happy Days […]

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Today, Bwog reviews Broadway – a dorm that isn’t, actually, quite on Broadway. Although, if you live here, you can tell your friends that you’re “in Broadway” and not technically be lying. First stop, Broadway – next stop, Hamilton tickets. Right? Location: 556 West 114th St Nearby dorms: Hogan, Watt, McBain, Nussbaum, Stores and restaurants: […]

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It’s that time of the year again: spring everlasting winter! And that can mean only one thing—the annual installment of Bwog’s housing reviews.  Today, we bring you the lowdown on the most aptly named dorm on campus: Broadway. Location: 556 West 114th Street. Housing, facilities, and WikiCU will say 2900 but 556 is what you want to tell the delivery guy. Nearby […]

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Housing approacheth. And, unless you’re on top of it, it’s probably coming up sooner than you think. Before you start knocking on random doors and demanding to know how many tennis balls could fit into the room if the room is haunted what they’ve named their mouse and what its living habits are the room’s […]

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A resident on the second floor of Broadway left a window open—yes, for all of break—which reportedly caused a pipe to burst, which caused a big spill. Public Safety confirmed that they are in there, trying to clean things up. The pipe burst an hour ago, btw. We hope your room won’t be flooded if […]

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Location: 2900 Broadway (actual entrance on 114th, shared with Hogan) Nearby dorms: Hogan, Ruggles, Carman, not far from McBain and Watt. Broadway shares an entrance with Hogan. Stores and restaurants: Close to Lerner and Butler, across the street from Amir’s, Havana, and importantly International. Morton’s is only a block away across Broadway. Generally one of […]

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Columbia is home to a fascinating cast of characters, and gap year students are no exception. In Give Me a Break, we’ll give you the skinny on what some of your peers have done during their time off. In this edition, Bwog’s resident Taker of Roads Less Traveled, Sam Schipani, talked with Noah Robbins and Remy […]

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There was a pretty bad smashup at 118th and Broadway, just outside the Barnard gates. Police were on the scene helping the taxi driver out, who was parked in his car when the van behind smashed into it. An ambulance has been called. Purportedly, the white van swerved to avoid a large car making a […]

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Bwog happened upon a freshman living in an upperclassman dorm who doesn’t have a meal plan and wasn’t pre-registered for Core classes—what’s going on here? That’s what we were wondering, too. Chief Freshperson Scrutineer Alexandra Avvocato investigates. Bwog: So I hear rumors that you’re currently living in Broadway. How exactly did that happen? Forgotten Freshman: […]

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QuickTix exists to let you know how to use and abuse your CUID. It pops in every other Wednesday. Campus events on sale now: Lyrics from Lockdown: September 24th, 7 pm, Miller Theater, $7 w/ CUID, Tickets. Afropolitan/Afropolitan After Party: September 30th, 8 pm/12 am, Roone, $10 w/ CUID, Tickets. Off campus events on sale […]

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Earlier this morning, a taxi cab flipped over on 120th and Broadway. It is appears that a red Volvo attempted to make an illegal turn, causing the cab to stop short and flip on its side. A tipster informs us that the cab was attempting to make a left during a red light, which caused […]

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