CTV goes to the Jon Stewart rally, speaks with Ariana Huffington, and asks a small child, “What’s your greatest fear? Is it public speaking?” Be sure to watch the video. (CTV) Board of Trustees chair William V. Campbell is advising on a new web browser called RockMelt, which is designed to better incorporate social media […]
A friendly tipster has just let us know that quite a few (free) tickets to The Daily Show with Jon Stewart are still available on the show’s website. Tickets for The Colbert Report are also free for reservation. Both of these shows have hosted Columbia professors in the past, so perhaps you should show them […]
America’s favorite lasagna-loving cat hated Mondays, and he didn’t even have a week of midterms ahead of him. If you’re still mourning Columbia’s loss at Homecoming this weekend, stayed in Butler till dawn, or are just generally bummed out because the week is always a long one, check out our list of worthwhile stuff to […]
At long last, the estimable Mark Tabry has helped us bring you last night’s Daily Show, in which Jon Stewart calls protesters the “pencilneck caucus” and says we “make Sean Hannity look like the reasonable one.” OK, you’re a douche, but we love you anyway. Also, find Karina Garcia’s interview with Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
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March 14, 2025