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Posts Tagged with "French"

Managing Editor Elijah Knodell attended a screening of Jasmine Bissete’s (CC ’19) short film Anges hosted by Columbia’s Maison Française. Bissete was joined in conversation by Professor Roxanne Varzi of UC Irvine.

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Staff Writer Kate Mekechuk attended Columbia Maison Française’s film screening of The Story of a Three-Day Pass (La Permission), written and directed by Melvin Van Peebles.

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Bwog loves good music. We love good music reviews, too. Last night, we sent Ross Chapman to Miller Theater, to cover a concert with French composer Francesca Verunelli. Listen…or read on… “In a strange uneven evenness, strange things arise.” Thus Miller Theater’s program explains the modern music of the modern European composer Francesca Verunelli. Last […]

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Join Matt Powell in this week’s Cooking with Bwog to learn the not-so-secret recipe for that scrumptious soup you always get at Le Monde. With its rich broth, soft white bread, and gooey strands of Gruyere, French Onion Soup is a dish that is always sure to please. Presenting the finished soup to your guests, […]

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Eliza Shapiro took a break from being Bwog Editor to listen to the Columbia College Student Council talk about what “a la carte” means for, like, a while. At the beginning of last night’s CCSC meeting, CCSC-people went around told each other who their favorite person at the moment was. CCSC Prez Learned Foote’s current […]

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Bwog needed an excuse to hang out with our professors more, so we’re dropping by the office hours of our favorite teachers and asking them about their research and favorite foods. Liz Jacob visited beloved French Professor Vincent Aurora, an espresso-fueled whirlwind of knowledge and passion, who imparts to his students far more than just […]

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The French department loves interdisciplinary studies. The History Channel loves complex advertising ploys. The School of Public Health loves protecting children. We loved Christia Mercer’s dancing abilities, so we love that she has an award! The Spec already loves Debora Spar.

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Pretty building on campus exists for a reason Dates set-ish for Manhattanville, something should happen somewhere possibly in Spring 2009 CU grad schools prefer if grad students take grad student classes, undergrads get fussy Feast your eyes: 800 words on why the economic crisis is actually a good thing. Finally, no CU student will want […]

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America’s favorite lasagna-loving cat hated Mondays, and he didn’t even have a week of midterms ahead of him. If you’re still mourning Columbia’s loss at Homecoming this weekend, stayed in Butler till dawn, or are just generally bummed out because the week is always a long one, check out our list of worthwhile stuff to […]

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In which Grace Akinrinade exchanges tea bags with the area’s French elite. Amongst a crowd of mostly fluent French speaking people, it’s easy to feel out of place–but this group makes putting people at ease a high priority.  “Voulez-vous une tasse du thé?” Madeline Compagnon, C ’10, asked, holding a tea bag in her hand […]

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More stuff you shouldn’t have saved on public computers.  When the buzz gets a little throat, a little brass, a little sass—now we know it’s becoming a man. Not like a cheesy, wheezy clarinetist typing the Hora at the day’s third Bar Mitzvah reception. It’s starting to burst, like a cavalry’s accompaniment, sans jingoism.   […]

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