Bwog’s Internet-based television critic Rob Trump returns with another installment of Know Your Web Series. This week: Drunk History. There are certain things that are perennially hilarious, but by their nature are difficult to focus on for the purposes of fictional comedy. A prime example: drunk people incoherently telling stories are extremely funny, but drunk […]
It’s TV on the Internet! Brought to you by Web-only television critic Rob Trump. This week: Toyboize. Whether you prefer the British Office or the American version–and I think a case can be made for either–you have to concede one point to the Americans: they’re much better at keeping their actors employed. While Jenna Fischer […]
Your guide to what’s worth watching on the Internet returns and TV critic Rob Trump comes bearing good news for fans of Neil Patrick Harris and Joss Whedon alike. I feel like I’ve started the last three or four of these with some variant on “Well, I’m not sure that this really belongs in the […]
Internet Television Critic Rob Trump returns after a brief sojourn from Bwog’s series on web series. Well, I’m back, after a few weeks hiatus of just basically forgetting to write this and nobody noticing. I promised several weeks ago that I would review the other major CollegeHumor webseries, The Michael Showalter Showalter, so that is […]
Just because you have homework doesn’t mean the TV watching has to stop — really 12s, it’s true! Rob Trump’s weekly web series fun continues with Mark Erickson’s Infinite Solutions. Well, my original plan for the first week of school was, having done Jake and Amir, to quickly knock off a review of the other […]
It’s time again to learn about another exciting Web Series with Internet television aficionado Rob Trump. This week, a multimedia presentation of why you should be watching Jake and Amir. Relationship problems stemming from insignificant reasons. One person acting like a chump and another person being annoyed by it. Dudes getting nailed in the nuts. […]
It’s time to further explore the exciting world of Web Series. Your tour guide today — as always — is Bwog Television Critic Rob Trump. For even more of Trump’s musings, direct your attention to his blog, which has been added to our blogroll for your convenience. If you like to keep up on your […]
Last week, Bwog’s online television aficionado Rob Trump discussed The Burg. Trump returns this weekend with thoughts on Michael Cera’s latest venture, Clark and Michael. Anyone who recently saw Pineapple Express probably caught the following trailer to Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist: If your reaction to that was, “MICHAEL CERA WHY?” then congratulations, you have […]
Since we know there’s only so much Hulu you can keep watching, Bwog’s enlisted comedy expert and television aficionado Rob Trump to guide us through the wonderful world of web series. First up: The Burg. The Burg’s most recent short, “Jump,” [Sorry, we would embed video, but it’s not working — Ed.] opens with a […]
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