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Posts Tagged with "lawsuit!"

After promises of defending international students, President Bollinger announces he will pursue legal action against ICE in a statement made by the Office of University Life on July 9th.

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This past Thursday, a Manhattan federal jury ruled that Geert Bekaert, a professor of economics at the Columbia Business School, is liable for retaliation against Enrichetta Ravina, a former researcher and assistant professor in the department, after she refused his sexual advances. As reported in the New York Times, Bekaert worked with Ravina on her research, which involved data to which […]

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Update: The Bwog Editorial Board later received an email with the University’s statement on July 13, at 9:29 PM. We’ve appended the full text of the University statement at the end of this article, and have rectified any statements premised upon not having received this private statement. According to the docket of the United States Court of Appeals for […]

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Editor’s note: This article discusses and describes details of sexual assault. Amelia Roskin-Frazee, CC ’19, has filed a lawsuit against the University alleging Title IX violations. In a press conference this morning, she and her lawyer, Alex Zalkin, described Columbia’s inaction and mishandling of a Gender-Based Misconduct complaint she filed last year. Roskin-Frazee alleges she was raped twice in her […]

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“Top terror prosecutor is a critic of civilian trials” and an alumnus of Columbia College. (NYT) A released Riker’s Island inmate is suing the city for $5 million after a “cracker-related beating.” (Gothamist) New sidewalk sheds will not only offer aesthetic appeal but keep the city safe and prevent lawsuits. (Spec) A group of lady firefighters […]

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