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Posts Tagged with "Title IX"

On Wednesday, March 8, CULR held a teach-in on the ERQ and Navigating Title IX led by Belan Yeshigeta and Sunny Fang.

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Last week, it came to the attention of No Red Tape (NRT) that a member of the Student Governing Board leadership (SGB) is currently under investigation by the Student Conducts and Community Standards (SCCS) office for multiple allegations of sexual assault. These accusations include an alleged rape perpetrated against a general body member of NRT. SGB, […]

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CW: This article discusses sexual assault as well as incapacitation and memory loss due to alcohol. On Thursday, Title IX Coordinator and Associate Vice President Marjory Fisher sat down with a small group of students for one of many Sexual Respect Initiative workshops offered during October. All incoming students are required to participate in one […]

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Students of Columbia who walked in on Suzanne Goldberg’s class earlier this month to protest received a disciplinary email Monday from a member of the faculty named Melissa Begg. In the email, the students were told they must attend a meeting with Ms. Begg in her role as “temporary rules administrator.” Students are under threat […]

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The New York Times reported yesterday that a graduate student is suing Columbia over “deliberate indifference” to claims of sexual harassment. The student, who remains anonymous, alleges that William V. Harris, a professor of Greco-Roman History, forced himself upon her, and that when she reported the harassment to colleagues and university officials, they did not […]

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Update: The Bwog Editorial Board later received an email with the University’s statement on July 13, at 9:29 PM. We’ve appended the full text of the University statement at the end of this article, and have rectified any statements premised upon not having received this private statement. According to the docket of the United States Court of Appeals for […]

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Editor’s Note: This article describes and discusses details of sexual assault. All documents provided are Public Domain and come from the docket of the Southern District Court of New York. According to the docket of the Southern District Court of New York, Defendant Columbia University and Plaintiff Amelia Roskin-Frazee will voice their oral arguments on August […]

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On Monday afternoon, CU Dems Member and Bwog Events Editor Lexie Lehmann attended an open lunch with Marjory Fisher, Columbia’s Title IX Coordinator. The event was hosted in honor of April, which is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Yesterday, Columbia Democrats hosted a public lunch meeting as an opportunity to discuss the resources available to students […]

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Good morning, Columbia! Happy last week of classes! You’re almost there. You’ve worked so hard this semester and we’re so proud of you. #feels. Anyways, here’s today’s Bwoglines. Happening in the nation: He’s back. That’s right, kids— Barry is back. Today, President Obama will make a speech at the University of Chicago, marking his first public […]

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Campus group No Red Tape (NRT) is hosting a Survivors Week of events, talks, and performances aimed “to raise awareness about the issues faced by survivors of sexual and dating violence both on and off campus.” Highlights include: today (Monday’s) 8-10 pm talk with Professor Christia Mercer on justice and incarcerated survivors. The event is […]

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Editor’s note: This article discusses and describes details of sexual assault. Amelia Roskin-Frazee, CC ’19, has filed a lawsuit against the University alleging Title IX violations. In a press conference this morning, she and her lawyer, Alex Zalkin, described Columbia’s inaction and mishandling of a Gender-Based Misconduct complaint she filed last year. Roskin-Frazee alleges she was raped twice in her […]

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Investigative reporter, Nikki Shaner-Bradford, interviews Columbia’s newest Title IX Coordinator Marjory Fisher on the various aspects of her exciting and important position.  Title IX has a persistent presence on campus. From SVR training to conversations both in and outside of the classroom on campus sexual assault, harassment, and the gender politics of the intellectually vibrant community that comprises our […]

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Columbia has just updated the guidelines and requirements for gender-based misconduct hearings, investigations, and appeals. Many of the guidelines, including the accompaniment of an advisor, remain consistent with the previous policy. However, a new rule prohibiting recording of any kind appears on the document. It follows: “Recording any part of the investigative process or unauthorized copying […]

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29 people were injured by a seemingly intentional explosion last night around 9 pm in Chelsea. This came hours after a pipe bomb exploded in Seaside Park, New Jersey yesterday morning along the path of a 5K race. The device was set to go off via timer, but the race had been delayed due to registration […]

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Quality of Life Survey At Friday’s University Senate Plenary, four student senators – Marc Heinrich (Columbia College), Ramis Wadood (Columbia College), Emily Moore (SEAS Grad Students), and Grace Kelley (Nursing School) – gave an in-depth presentation on the quality of life survey sent out last year. General information has already been distributed by the Senate, […]

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