Just in time to get you excited for fall break: Live at Lerner Sounds is having its fourth event this semester today from noon to 1pm in the Lerner Piano Lounge. This time, Bridget Davis and the Viking Kings will be performing their pop/folk repertoire (but not in Norse). As always, they will also be […]
Live at Lerner is back today for lunch and music, but they’re throwing you a curveball: the event today will be held in Lerner 555, not the usual Piano Lounge. If you’re wondering what could possibly inspire you to climb those extra flights of stairs, prepare to have your socks knocked off by today’s performer: Tim Miller, […]
Dance (let’s be realistic: awkwardly sway) away your midterm woes at this semester’s third Live at Lerner Sounds event in the Lerner Piano Lounge today from noon to 1 pm. This time they’ve got Plastic Cannons, an indie pop band based out of Brooklyn. (Hip!) As always, there will be free food as well: some offerings from this […]
Look alive, Columbia. You have roughly 15 minutes to get yourself to the Lerner Piano Lounge for the semester’s second Live at Lerner Sounds event! This week they’ve got Salt Cathedral playing some awesome salty tunes. Added incentive (as if you needed any more): today’s lunch is Greek-themed! Save yourself a late night trip to Hooda’s for a shame-Gyro! […]
If you, like Bwog, have been spending your reading week hopping from one food-themed study-break to the next, you’re in luck! The last Live at Lerner event of the semester is happening today, from 12 until two in Lerner Piano Lounge. They will be living it up with your favorite childhood hits: Saved by the Bell and the Fresh Prince of […]
Today in the Lerner Piano Lounge from noon to 1 pm, Live at Lerner will be holding its last Sounds event of the semester. So take a study break and stop by to enjoy the harmoniously hip sounds of Kayce Laine while enjoying some delicious free food (emphasis on free). The menu includes BBQ chicken, […]
Are you hungry for food other than Ferris pork butt? Do you like jammin’ to electronic R&B? Do you like Queens? Then boy, have we got the thing for you! If you found yourself nodding your head embarrassingly passionately to any of the above, come to Live at Lerner today from noon to 1pm. It’s […]
For Live at Lerner’s second sounds event of the semester, Toy Cities will be performing in the Lerner Piano Lounge from 12-1 pm. The band comes to us all the way from Brooklyn and will be accompanied by some delicious tortellini alfredo, roasted chicken, roasted potatoes, and an assortment of exotic desserts. Warm yourself up with […]
Live at Lerner is having their final event of the season today from noon to 2 in the Lerner piano lounge, and it’s a big one. One of Bwog’s favorite acts will be performing – Stressbusters! There will also be lunch, cards to decorate, and a roaring tv fire. On the menu for Columbia’s consistently […]
It snowed yesterday, which makes it officially almost winter break. That and looming finals. Which is why Live at Lerner and Ferris Reel Film Society are bringing you dinner and a movie. Not that it won’t be hard to find a friend with extra swipes in case you miss out on the free ones: ‘Tis […]
For their last event of the semester Live at Lerner presents Sounds #6, yet another fun-filled lunch with live music. Did we mention that it is FREE? If you are interested in stuff that you don’t have to pay for, head over to the Piano Lounge from 12pm- 1pm. The band ECHOREV: Self-described as a “new breed of indie rock: electrified […]
Like every band you have never heard of, Cultfever hails from Brooklyn, the one-stop-shop for musicians who will blow your mind at 2am in the morning. Relive the glory days of going out on the weekends, partaking in sweet beverages, and having a social life by stopping by the Piano Lounge from 12pm-1pm. Labeled Live At Lerner […]
Maybe we’ll never be royals but we can still see Kings at noon in the Lerner Piano Lounge. That’s right, folks, we’ve got another Live at Lerner today, featuring a selection of miso soup, rice noodles with vegetables, kimchi fried rice, assorted dumplings, and even some fortune…cookies. The band, Kings, is promised to have “tight vocal harmonies, […]
Live at Lerner, your source for smiling during the long weeks ahead, brings you yet another joyful lunch. So for those of you who don’t know, Halloween is a thing. What better way to get in the spirit, (pun intended), then to head to Lerner’s Piano Lounge today from 12pm-2pm. For these two spooky hours, Live At Lerner […]
Live at Lerner is back people, spreading music and cheer throughout your midterm week months. If you find yourself craving social interaction, non-study classical music, or food, head to Lerner’s Piano Lounge today from 12pm-1pm. For this hour, Live at Lerner is having Appomattox, a Brooklyn-based band, performing. They are described by the event page as […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025