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Posts Tagged with "Queer Awareness Month"

Live at Lerner is back today for lunch and music, but they’re throwing you a curveball: the event today will be held in Lerner 555, not the usual Piano Lounge. If you’re wondering what could possibly inspire you to climb those extra flights of stairs, prepare to have your socks knocked off by today’s performer: Tim Miller, […]

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In a reversal of yesterday’s free food deluge, pick up a free dessert and some hot chocolate first in the East Campus 2nd floor lounge from 5:00 to 6:00 pm, for Domestic Violence Awareness Month (among other things).  Then, once you’ve filled up, head down to Times Square to participate in a special lighting ceremony […]

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But not according to Wikipedia, so a citation is needed. In a month-long celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning students and student life on campus, QuAM is hosting a series of events around campus. Yesterday Prof. Peter Awn kicked off the month with a keynote presentation accompanied by poet and performance artist, […]

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Save your pleas for a free swipe into John Jay for another day, and join celeb guests Dean Peter Awn and poet Staceyann Chin for a menu that sounds so good, we almost don’t want to share it with you. The Queer Awareness Month Opening Ceremony brings you free Dinosaur BBQ—ribs and grilled portobello mushrooms, […]

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Low Plaza has played host to some divergent causes in the past, but today might just take the cake: the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints is singing and handing out Books of Mormon in the shadow of Queer Awareness Month’s helium-filled rainbow arch (with a small bake sale against the bailout off […]

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Running With Scissors author Augusten Burroughs headlined the Queer Awareness Month opening reception Monday night in Roone Arledge Auditorium. Bwog arrived early enough to snag a choice seat in the front—although not late enough to miss a series of lengthy introductions from various student leaders—and thoroughly enjoyed Burroughs’ keynote address. Dressed in a baseball cap, […]

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