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Posts Tagged with "magazine meeting"

Tired of those lonely Tuesday nights? Wish you could spend your hours helping to create a magazine instead of Redditing? Well, you’re in luck, because The Blue & White is having our weekly meeting tonight. We’ll be finalizing our content for the upcoming December issue and then looking toward The Future as we brainstorm pitch ideas for […]

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Fellow Columbians, The editors of The Blue & White invite all of you to join us this evening in St. Paul’s Chapel from 8-9pm for our weekly meeting. We have much to discuss, from the production of our forthcoming October issue to pitches for next month. Especially if you may be interested in writing or illustrating […]

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Hello all, If the cold weather’s got you down, join us, the editors of The Blue & White, tonight at 8pm in the basement of St. Paul’s Chapel for our weekly meeting. We’ll stuff you full of snacks and warm your soul with our jovial conversation and skillful puns. Plus, if you’ve ever been interested in […]

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Hello friends, We once again cordially invite you to join us on this Tuesday evening at our weekly meeting, which takes place at 8pm in the basement of St. Paul’s Chapel. We’ll be discussing the progress of the coming October issue, and then looking to the future as we pitch and develop ideas for next […]

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And by we, we’re referring to the staff of The Blue & White, who will be having their weekly meeting tonight from 8-9pm in the basement of St. Paul’s Chapel (look for us in the gallery). If you’ve ever been interested in writing, reporting, illustrating, or editing for an on-campus magazine, there’s no time like the […]

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Interested in writing or illustrating for an on-campus publication? Looking for shelter on this blustery Tuesday? Join us, the staff of The Blue & White, at our weekly meeting tonight at 9pm. This week the meeting will be held in the Shiff Room of Earl Hall, which isn’t our usual location, but hey stuff happens. […]

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Greetings Columbians, We welcome you to join us on this lovely evening in the basement of St. Paul’s Chapel at 9pm for the first meeting of The Blue & White. A new semester means it’s time to once again turn our inquisitive eyes upon our fair University, and to record our findings in print so […]

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Looking for a good way to spend this dreary Monday evening? Join the staff of The Blue & White for our weekly meeting tonight at 9pm in the crypt of St. Paul’s chapel. You can snack alongside us as we discuss incredibly intricate aspects of Columbia culture, such as the Westside cheese aisle and whether Mel’s […]

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Hello Friends, The staff of The Blue & White, Bwog’s inkier stepbrother, extends the warmest of invitations to join us at our weekly meeting this chilly Valentine’s Day Eve. Take shelter with us in the cozy crypt of St. Paul’s Chapel, where we’ll discuss campus happenings, content for upcoming issues, and the impending official launch of […]

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Friends, we invite you to join us on this final day of classes in the crypt of St. Paul’s Chapel at 9 pm for the last meeting of The Blue & White of the semester. We will announce the new staff for next year, give updates on the December issue, and look to the future. […]

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Like reading things? If you do, and at least some of those things happen to be magazines, then join us at 9 pm in the crypt of St. Paul’s Chapel to learn about how you, dear reader, can get involved in the Blue & White, also known as Bwog’s maternal figure/Oedipus complex/Freudian field day. We’ve […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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