Dear Readers, Writers, Drawers and Dilettantes, You are invited to join the staff of the The Blue & White magazine at their weekly meeting. Share your stories, pitch your pitches in the crypt of St. Paul’s Chapel, at 9 PM, tonight! There will be lots’a free snacks. Flourishing, The Editors
Doing “work.” But, really, deleting Facebook friends and online shopping don’t count as being productive. Why not come hang out with Bwog for a bit, instead? Stop by the SGO at 7pm for our weekly meeting. There will be a variety of undisclosed free snacks. At least this way you can tell your roommate that […]
Dear Friends and Soon-To-Be-Friends, What a wonderful day, what a pleasant last glimpse of summer past. But one cannot take all of that sun alone—you should balance out that Vitamin D tonight with a trip to the crypt of St. Paul’s Chapel, where tonight The Blue & White magazine will host its weekly meeting. Come, discuss Columbia, bring […]
We’re sick and tired of the man keeping aspiring writers/journalists/funny people down. Wearethe99percent who look at stupid posters and think, “Gee, I bet that a lot of other people would find my shoddy cellphone pic funny.” Well we aren’t going to take it any more. Join us as we take over Lerner SGO starting at 7pm. […]
Then stop by the Bwog meeting tonight. Make your way to the Event Oval Entrance in the Diana at 7pm—not the SGO as usual!!! for warmth, company, and delicious snacks. We’ll talk of features, new pitches, and anything else you’d like to see cropping up ’round this part of the interwebs. And it’ll give you […]
Hello Friends, Join the editors and staff at the Blue and White meeting tonight at 9 in St. Paul’s Chapel. There will be food. Affectionately, The Editors
And stop on by the Bwog meeting tonight if you’re interested in contributing (writing, photographing, doodling, idea pitching, free food eating). Festivities begin at 7pm in the SGO on Lerner 5. There will be food. O from Wikimedia Commons
Hello freshpeople and beyond, You are cordially invited to join us for snacks and scheming at 6pm in the SGO (Student Government Office) on Lerner 5. It’s up the ramp from the Satow Room (where the Publications Meet ‘n’ Greet was held). Go through the doors to the left of the elevator, and we’ll be […]
Been cooped up all day reading? Missed the great American Road Trip? Sad about CInco de Mayo being cancelled? Wanna write about it? Come talk to us about it tonight at 7 pm in the SGO! Metaphor for today’s miseries via Wikimedia
Bwog (also incorrectly called “The Bwog“) is an independent news blog run by students of Columbia University. Since 2006, they’ve been providing students with breaking campus news and a platform for intelligent discourse among their readers. And tonight at 7 pm in the SGO, you can be a part of it all! Come meet with […]
Dear friends & prospies, First of all, why are you reading this if you are a prospie? Go to John Jay and enjoy some of the best food you’ll have there ever, except for that one time when they decorated the place. Secondly, if you don’t wanna do that, come to tonight’s Bwog meeting! We’re […]
Dearest friends, So it begins. The meeting to decide the fate of all the remaining issues of The Blue and White magazine for this school year. Epic. Join the staff of The Blue and White at our meeting tonight, Monday night, at 9 pm in the crypt of St. Paul’s Chapel. We will be taking […]
Did you ever wake up and realize you were really angry that day? Did you tell your friends you were mad as you poked angrily at your pseudo caesar salad in John Jay? Did you decide to indirectly take it out on a meeting announcement for the blog you write for? Did you find yourself […]
Dearest friends, With spring break a fading memory, we understand that you (a collective entity) will now be slinking back into your protective holes, ensconcing yourself in routines to protect against the hard onslaught that approaches in the coming weeks. But we urge you to just break free for one night, to try something new, […]
Dearest friends, The staff of The Blue & White (pictured at right) is currently in the process of nursing into life our next issue. We hope you and your meatiest, tenderest ideas will join us tonight, Monday night, at 9 pm in the crypt of St. Paul’s Chapel. Help us to feed our literary baby with […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025