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Posts Tagged with "morningside park"

While we process the tragic death of Tess Majors, we cannot ignore what this means for the community going forward. What is the current relationship between Columbia University and the Harlem community, and how will recent events impact that connection?

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New York City is the biggest city in the U.S. and one of the biggest cities in the world. While all the chaos of eight million people coexisting in only a couple hundred square miles is incredibly exciting, it’s easy to feel trapped – especially when it’s ninety degrees outside and you’re living in a double […]

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Kitties in the City

Bwog recently found out about an under-utilized cat resource in the neighborhood: the feral cats of Morningside Park. We sat down with self-proclaimed Emissary of the Cats, Christian Zhang, CC ’16, to get some information and tips on how to find these cats ourselves. Bwog: So, how did you find out about these feral cats […]

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Last night we received the following tip from a concerned student: Today, a friend and I (both Barnard students), were strolling in Morningside Park at 6h00pm. We heard three shots fired. It was followed by a bunch of guys yelling and we saw a group of guys run away. We weren’t in the exact vicinity […]

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As reported by DNAinfo, a female Harlem resident was sexually assaulted in Morningside Park during the early evening this past Sunday. The incident happened around 6pm and police are currently interviewing witnesses. As Brad Taylor, a board member for the group Friends of Morningside Park observes, the attack “was alarming because it occurred while it […]

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Feeling melancholy this Sunday? Be daring and venture out of the confines of Butler into Morningside Park, the area’s oft-dismissed sanctuary of tall trees and fresh breezes. At the bottom of the 436,232 stone steps, Bwog had to flatten itself against a wall as hordes of screaming children raced around in circles, delighted at having […]

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