This week, Barnard’s SGA continued on its group outreach mission. At last night’s Rep Council meeting, SGA welcomed representatives from the Columbia Muslim Students Organization (MSA) to discuss their goals, concerns, and what SGA can do for them. Turns out, they can’t do much. MSA president Faizan Kothari and senior advisor Fatima Koli explained to […]
Tonight, Earl Hall correspondents Bijan Samareh and Ella Quittner sat down with Columbia Chaplain Jewelnel Davis, Chaplain’s Council Chair Daniel Bonner, Chaplain’s Council member Aleq Abdullah, and SGB Chair Barry Weinberg after the second town hall meeting held to find out more about Columbia’s response to surveillance of Muslim student groups. Two things were blatantly apparent […]
Tonight’s Columbia University Town Hall will provide an opportunity for students to discuss issues relating to the recent NYPD surveillance of Muslim student organizations. The discoveries of police reports monitoring Muslim college students across the Northeast have been covered by Bwog and multiple news sources in the past few weeks. The Town Hall is scheduled […]
Talkative correspondent Renée Kraiem reports on last night’s SGA meeting. Last night Rep Council welcomed an esteemed guest, Dean Avis Hinkson, and spent a great deal of time talking about talking. There was talking about what not to talk about, talking about talking more positively, talking about talking about talking—you get the idea. The first hour […]
Following AP‘s reveal of NYPD surveillance of Muslim student groups both inside and outside the city extended to Columbia, PrezBo and DSpar responded with disapproval. But was disapproval enough? Columbia’s MSA called for an outright condemnation. Just about half an hour ago, PrezBo sent yet another e-mail that Columbia had no prior knowledge to the event. He stresses that we must feel […]
Earlier today, the Columbia University Muslim Student Association released a statement of concern in response to reports that the New York Police Department has been surveilling Muslim students at Columbia. Their primary target, however, was the Columbia administration, which has yet to directly address the student body regarding the situation. PrezBo did release a press statement […]
Over the past week, news sources have called to attention the alarming and ongoing police profiling and tracking of Muslim students at American universities. An Associated Press article cites such actions as tracking websites and blogs of Muslim student organizations and engaging in undercover reporting on student prayers. Such invasions of privacy have extended to Columbia in […]
Looks like there’ll be stimulating discussion and scrumptious food tonight! Veritas, together with MSA and Hillel, is hosting an “interfaith discussion group primarily between Islam, Judaism and Christianity” at the Intercultural Resource Center (W. 552 114th St) from 8pm-9pm. Expect free food from Cafe Nana, mozzarella ‘n tomato sandwiches and lotsa hummus. It’s like a symposium! […]
Last night in the Roone Auditorium, the Muslim Students Association held their annual Fast-A-Thon. This year benefited Pakistani flood relief. The attendees had mostly been fasting since sunrise, so people came hungry. The program began with a call to prayer, and then those inclined were invited to pray. Following that, food was distributed and the […]
While the campus prepares for the visit of the two presidential candidates, students have already gotten started on the fall election. the College Democrats, MSA, and Free Culture are co-sponsoring a campus-wide voter registration initiative, modeled on the popular CUAssassins game that every year afflicts students with amusingly high levels of paranoia. Teams of students […]
The Muslim Student’s Association decided that it was better late than never to celebrate Eid al-Adha or Al-Hijra, so weeks after both the festival of sacrifice and the Islamic New Year, general merriment was had in the auspices of Low Memorial Library. Below the colossal classical pillars and Greco-Roman statues, a completely different tradition commemorated […]
Ah, Eid ul Fitr, when, after 30 days of no food or water while the sun shines, the practicing Muslims of the world are allowed to indulge in feasting and revelry ’til their belt-buckles burst with delicious joy. And Sunday night in Roone Arledge was a joyous night indeed as the Muslim Students Association feted several hundred guests of every […]
Get ready for for this one: word has it that Columbia alumnus/right-wing writer David Horowitz plans to make an on-campus appearance sometime between October 22nd and 26th to spearhead “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week,” an event put on through the Terrorism Awareness Project. As a special treat, Horowitz plans to bring conservative talk show host Sean Hannity […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025