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Posts Tagged with "mta fare hike"

Metrocards may be on the rise next year because the MTA has no money. Start panicking. (Gothamist) And Columbia had to give out fewer faculty awards because we don’t have a whole lot of, say, discretionary income. (Spectator) Bike groups like Critical Mass are getting the legislative equivalent of a cop’s two-handed shove, and will […]

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The Daily News is reporting that a “doomsday scenario” for the MTA has been successfully avoided. Until today, the plan had been that the world would end on May 31st, when a fifty cent subway fare hike would go into effect and service cuts would slowly begin to take effect. But, assuming that the solution […]

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Earlier today, as reported by City Room, the board of the MTA voted to both raise fares and cut back on services. The widely-expected move comes amid a serious budget crunch, exacerbated because the MTA is required to have a balanced budget. Local officials claim that this was a necessary step, especially after the state […]

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For city council, kiss those term limits goodbye! “Basically the President of the EU” warns Columbia students about the future.  Drastic times call for drastic measures.  Barnard changes Econ requirements. Forbes’s love affair with  Are you skeptical? Budget deficit means even fewer reasons to accept MTA’s fare hike. QuAM runs with scissors.

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