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Posts Tagged with "awards"

Congratulations to the 105 seniors who will be inducted into Phi Beta Kappa this spring!

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Japan’s moon lander wakes up!

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Four Columbia University and two Barnard College professors have been appointed as 2020 Guggenheim fellows. 

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You are cordially invited by the Academic Awards Committee of Columbia College to join in consuming some “pomp and circumstance worthy” hors d’oeuvres and honoring some professors. Tonight at 6 p.m. in the Faculty Room of Low, Boris Gasparov will receive the 38th annual Lionel Trilling Award for his book “Beyond Pure Reason: Ferdinand de […]

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The winners of the 2013 King’s Crown Leadership Excellence Awards were released by Student Affairs this week. Covering eight different categories, including “Columbia Spirit” and “Indelible Mark,” the King’s Crown awards seek “to recognize significant contributions of student organizations and CC/SEAS students to the Columbia community” (Student Affairs) or ” students who either did a good […]

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We’d like to take a moment to emerge from our very bitter Butler shell to extend a genuine congratulations to the seniors who’ve been inducted to Phi Beta Kappa, aka the nation’s oldest honor society, aka a BFD. (And if you’re still wondering what PBK is, you probably don’t have to check for your name on the list. […]

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Yesterday, while you were skipping class and sleeping in, the MacArthur Foundation announced this year’s 22 Genius Grant recipients, and Columbia graduate Alisa Weilerstein is one of them. A member of the Class of 2004, Weilerstein started playing the cello when she was four years old and debuted with the Cleveland Orchestra at just 13. The Foundation […]

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We’ve been telling you guys as they’ve been announced, but the final list of all Commencement and Class Day speakers, and the recipients of various other honors, has just been sent out. It does not include Barack Obama. It does include the professors who’ve won the Presidential Award for Outstanding Teaching, the largest university-wide prize […]

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The old CCSC board convened one last time before finals. Brian Wagner reports, sheds one shiny tear. Norita Mengu was elected President of next year’s Elections Board. After she delivered a speech and answered a few questions from the board, the Council decided she had the experience and passion to bring about the reforms they hope to […]

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All sorts of plans grace the headlines today: President Obama is to lay down his blueprint for economic recovery tonight. (NYTimes) Blueprint appreciated: Barnard’s Diana Center is the recipient of the American Institute of Architects 2011 Honor Awards for Architecture. Someone who knows the blueprints of NYC: Columbia University’s Professor Kenneth T. Jackson (of midnight […]

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Columbia professors have been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in the journalism, law, philosophy and geography categories. Portable showers were provided for travelers stranded at JFK, desperate for hygiene. (Gothamist) Doormen all over the city are poised to strike. (NYT) Some scientists stake the claim that 3D movies are bad for […]

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Metrocards may be on the rise next year because the MTA has no money. Start panicking. (Gothamist) And Columbia had to give out fewer faculty awards because we don’t have a whole lot of, say, discretionary income. (Spectator) Bike groups like Critical Mass are getting the legislative equivalent of a cop’s two-handed shove, and will […]

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UPDATE: Sources close to Graybill say he will accept the Rhodes scholarship. Raphael Graybill (CC ’10), fresh off receiving a Marshall Scholarship yesterday, was today named a Rhodes Scholar. Graybill will pursue the M.Phil. in Political Theory at Oxford while you continue to underachieve.  Bwog salutes you, Mr. Graybill–and we’re first in line to endorse […]

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Bwog sat down with the latest Columbian to make the rest of his class look bad. All-Amur’can Raphael Graybill (CC ’10) of Great Falls, Montana has recently been awarded the 2010 Marshall Scholarship. Each year, the prestigious award is granted to up to 40 American students of “high ability” to pursue graduate studies in the […]

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Dying from a heart attack, seizing up, or miscarrying from the swine flu vaccine? The Feds say not to worry, this kind of stuff happens all the time, vaccine or no vaccine. (NYT) Support or disagree with a University Senate-imposed Smoking ban? Hold your horses! In their first meeting of the year, PrezBo reminded them […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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