Whether you’re excited to vote or consumed by dread for the future of our nation, participating in the election is an important civic duty. If you’re voting away from Columbia, make sure you’ve sent in your ballot or have plans to get to your polling place! For those of you staying on campus, we wanted […]
Last night, Christina Hoff Sommers, self-proclaimed “equity feminist” and prominent critic of “intersectional feminism,” was invited by the Executive Council of the Columbia American Enterprise Institute for a conversation titled “Victims, Victims, Everywhere!” Staff Writer Timmy Wu reports on the event and the surprising lack of protesters. Christina Hoff Sommers opened her talk with a proclamation, declaring […]
No, that wasn’t an episode of South Park you tuned into on CNN last night. Regardless of whether you participated in a drinking game for last night’s debate, you all woke up with some type of headache. Between Trump’s repetitive, juvenile jabs and Hillary’s uncomfortable, forced laughter, I can assure you the debate did not do any wonders […]
Well everybody, it’s voting time! We just got the email that elections are up at 10 am this morning. The referendum will still require the President and VP of Policy to run together, but VP for Campus Life, VP for Finance, and VP for Communications will be voted on separately. At least 30% of the student […]
Boy oh boy. Yesterday evening, the Columbia Elections Board posted the official ballot items for the Spring 2014 Special Election, including the list of candidates running to occupy the seat left vacant after Ben Kornick’s resignation. You can find the list of candidates below. The board is also including a referendum on the ballot to […]
Houses and Homes is back for its next Summer 2013 round! Below’s scene comes from Janie Mahan, who’s working at a USDA-ARS Cropping Systems Research Lab researching sorghum. Want to share your summer paradise (or generic suburbia, or desolate wasteland, or whatever)? Send some love and idyllic prose to tips@bwog.com. Where: Just outside of Lubbock, Texas. […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025