On October 27, a Bwog Staff Writer attended the launch of an unprecedented digital map of New York populations in the mid-19th through early-20th centuries.
The abandoned stone structure on 119th and Amsterdam sort of looks like a medieval castle – a very, very small one. It isn’t quite the stuff of architecture classes, but the little building stands out – you’ve probably wondered what it is or was as you passed the forgotten, weedy lot. It’s not like there’s […]
It’s the final stretch. Post-break, you might have time for a few distractions. Photo via mycaricatures.co.uk Monday Society, Toleration, and the Jews: Ira Katznelson, professor of political science and history, will discuss toleration “as an alternative to persecution.” Sounds good to us. 6:15 PM @ Low Rotunda. Tuesday Brinkley, Foner, and Stiglitz: Capitalism is in […]
Image via morningside-heights.net The poor, defenseless buildings of Morningside are under siege from the ravenous monster that is Columbia University. Or so local residents would have us believe. More than a decade ago, locals petitioned the Landmarks Preservation Commission to protect Morningside Heights (which includes a large number of older buildings with their original architectural […]
Two pieces of (somewhat) Obama-related media: first, one of his first college roommates writes about their time together in the fall of 1981. Phil Boerner ’84, who transferred with Obama from Occidental, remembers Obama that, “as a host and roommate, he sometimes did the shopping and cooked the chicken curry.” Oh, and Obama may have […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025