The November issue of The Blue and White will be here soon. Read selections from the magazine on Bwog. Say Cheese An adult, leading a group of what looks like young high school students onto Revson Plaza, points at statue of Bellerophon Taming Pegasus: “That’s modern art…” Points at the statue of the Tightrope Walker […]
The November issue of The Blue and White will be here shortly. Until then, enjoy selections from the issue on Bwog! Tiresias2T-Pain Recite Lit Hum’s lines and receive T-Pain’s rhymes (feat. Mista Ramsay & Shorty Sancho). Ballin’. Pothole Protection Maps protruding and raised obstructions on College Walk, including but not limited to: cracks, loose stones, divots, kids, […]
The November issue of The Blue and White will be on campus shortly. Bwog has posted highlights from the issue over the last few weeks–take a look! “You could die,” reads the slogan of the Broadway Bomb, an unsanctioned longboard race down the legendary avenue. The disclaimer is no exaggeration; more than 500 boarders barreled […]
The latest issue of The Blue and White hits campus very soon. You can read the entire magazine on Bwog until then. In this installment of End of the Line, Claire Sabel visits the Bronx riviera. The 6 train emerges from beneath East 139th street, rising in languid arcs above the Bronx. It crosses over […]
The November issue of The Blue & White will be arriving on campus soon. In the mean time, we’ll be trickling out the issue on Bwog. You might not know the following figure—but you should. In Campus Characters, The Blue & White introduces you to a handful of Columbians who are up to interesting and […]
We’ll let you know when the November issue of The Blue and White arrives in buildings on campus, but until then, enjoy the entire issue as we preview it on Bwog. In an nontraditional marketing move, author and Columbia professor Gary Shteyngart attempted to attract a different set of readers to his summer release, Super […]
The November issue of The Blue and White will be arriving on campus momentarily. Meanwhile, enjoy selections from the current edition on Bwog. At first it seemed innocuous enough: a couscous-like, gluten-free, and protein-rich alternative to rice. What damage could it possibly cause? Formerly confined to the lower shelves of Whole Foods and other “informed” […]
The newest issue of The Blue and White will soon arrive. Until then, enjoy the magazine in its entirety as we preview it on Bwog. Morningside old timers remember “the castle” at 106th and Central Park West as it once was. Not an inch of the restored structure betrays its past today, but for 40 […]
The November issue of The Blue and White will be here soon and we’ll be posting all the articles on Bwog. “At Two Swords’ Length” is a feature presenting opposing opinions on an issue. This month, Brian Donahoe and Sam Schube discuss whether you can get away with it. Affirmative I’ve been doing it for […]
It's not necessarily true that being a varsity sports team is more rewarding.
Catch up on the November issue of The Blue and White on Bwog until the print edition arrives. Always an area of intense pressure and continental clashes, Morningside Heights was pretty much the same place 450 million years ago as it is today. Except instead of panic attacks in Butler and anti-protest protests on College […]
Until the print edition arrives, read the November issue of The Blue and White on Bwog. Today, Sam Schube catches up with the director of Columbia’s Miller Theatre. Miller Theatre, although regarded as a premier forum for contemporary dance and music, has struggled to carry its citywide renown into its own backyard. Despite Miller’s on-campus […]
"I looked down and I saw the Velasquez and Rubens and Del Sarto and I thought, 'You know, life isn't so bad.'"
A board game, illustrated by Cindy Pan, from the November issue of The Blue and White! Try out your luck as a Columbia politician. (image opens in pop up)
This is not just languages. Columbia is a very decentralized place in general.
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025