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Posts Tagged with "office of multicultural affairs"

Andrew Cuomo v.  the President of 9/11 (NY Post). The University Senate gets meta (Spec).   There’s something in the water at Harvard (Gawker).  The Office of Multicultural Affairs: Where Everyone Knows Your Name  (Spec). Rachel Ray saves the world with whole-wheat flatbread and free-range chicken (CityRoom). Hipsters worry that Williamsburg = Belfast circa 1970 (NY […]

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Tonight  at 6pm the Office of Multicultural Affairs hosts its fall Open House event, scheduled to include food, music, and giveaways. Bwog won’t speculate as to what these multicultural giveaways might be, but there will certainly be food around starting at 6pm in the Intercultural Resource Center (located at 552 114th between Broadway and Amsterdam). […]

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Halloween was not the only celebration that got off to a premature start Thursday night.  Two nights ago, about forty students gathered in the John Jay Lounge to celebrate the start of Native American Heritage Month. Although a diverse mix of Native American, white, black and Latino students made up the audience, an interest in […]

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Now that midterms are over (for some of us!), penny-savers should be quick to hit up two wonderfully delicious free food events today, which include a joint birthday party for the Office of Multicultural Affairs and the Intercultural Resource Center and a Teahouse with the Asian American Alliance featuring musical guest Alice Hu (and samosas, […]

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An anonymous Bwog tipster has forwarded us the following farewell email, which details the departure of Dr. Ajay Nair (right), Associate Dean of Student Affairs/Office of Multicultural Affairs. Dr. Nair will be returning to UPenn (where he was Director of the Pan-Asian American Community House) to serve as Associate Vice Provost for Student Affairs.  So […]

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Along with freshmen, in September Columbia will welcome its newest flight of replacement administrators, stepping into posts vacated at Teachers College, the Medical Center, and JTS. Most recently, Dean of Student Affairs Chris Colombo announced that the University had lured Dr. Ajay Nair from Penn to head up the Office of Multicultural Affairs, one of […]

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