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Posts Tagged with "tea"

Last Sunday, Staff Writer Samantha Seiff attended the event “Tea and Conversation with Stage Manager Narda E. Alcorn,” hosted by the Barnard College Theatre Department and moderated by Professor Alice Reagan.

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TeaHop: The tea selections of Columbia’s dining halls, reviewed! In this half-assed review, I attempt to give you some insight and guidance for your next tea drinking experience. 

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Welcome, my friends, to Housing Selection 2019. Think of the next two weeks of housing review posts as a long episode of one of those shows where people tour real estate and decide which house to buy. Except instead of being rich you’re stuck with Columbia Housing. Still tho. First up is the gem of Extended […]

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In this new series, Bwog travels to nearby exotic locations to save our sanity and burst out of the MoHi bubble. First stop: Port Jefferson, Long Island. Pretty beaches, vegan food, and stars (visible w/out going to the top floor of Pupin). What more could you ask for? Getting there The LIRR, or the Long […]

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After last week’s decadent brownie tour that left 1girl in a food coma, we decided to take it easier this time and study everyone’s favorite classy drink—tea! With all of the varieties of tea floating around Morningside, we had to narrow it down, so we decided to go for straight green tea. No milk, no […]

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Oy there skippers! The antwacky Philo posse cordially invites any gadges and manashees to a good ol’ afternoon of jackanories and canking with Karen the Librarian over tea and biscuits. Pip pop cheerio. Seriously though, the Philolexian society is holding teatime this afternoon in Sulzberger Tower from 4 – 6 pm with Karen the Librarian. […]

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On Wednesday night, Columbia’s Donald Keene Center of Japanese Culture hosted Dr. Genshitsu Sen, the former Grand Master of the Urasenke school of the Japanese tea ceremony. Bwog, recognizing that there is such a thing as too much coffee, spent the evening in the audience at Casa Italiana, to learn about the Japanese tea ceremony, […]

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RoomHop is back, this time with a DIY/modern art/bricolage special from Watt, courtesy of Carolyn Ruvkun. If your room needs Hopping, contact us at with a picture. “I imagine my room to be a giant junkyard, but not so dirty,” says Patrick Han of the Watt double he shares with Shao-Wen Ang. The “garbage […]

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If Blue Java’s got you down, don’t fret. Awaaz: The Voice of South Asia is handing out copies of the first issue of its magazine as well as free Indian chai in the West Ramp Lounge in Lerner from 12:30pm to 1:30pm 4:00pm. There’s an expert chaiwalla (one who makes and distributes chai) present, supplies […]

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Bwog got a tip yesterday that Vine, Swish‘s identical twin replacement, lacks the one thing that everyone seemed to like about Swish, may it rest in peace: bubble tea. Fortunately, as our tipster mentioned, 116th Street’s bubble tea franchise is not gone forever, but merely transported two doors down to Ollie’s. The bubble tea stand […]

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Now that midterms are over (for some of us!), penny-savers should be quick to hit up two wonderfully delicious free food events today, which include a joint birthday party for the Office of Multicultural Affairs and the Intercultural Resource Center and a Teahouse with the Asian American Alliance featuring musical guest Alice Hu (and samosas, […]

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There are free cupcakes with blue & white frosting in the little wood-panelled room adjacent to Uris Deli. Although undergrads will be kicked out, says an astute commenter. There was free barbecue out on Low steps, but the breadline extended across the plaza and you probably missed it. Sorry. You can probably still get a […]

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