Hello 4am-ers!!!! Are you ready for your fall 2018 Orgo Night script? :D (scroll to page 6 for a good time) Orgo Night Script Fall 2018 by Bwog on Scribd the real answer key via Amara Bagel Banks
Sweet, sweet Orgo Night was a lot breezier than last semester due to the Band’s last-minute change of location: at 11:30 last night, as 209 grew rowdier and rowdier, it was announced that due to threats from the administration Orgo Night would be happening outside. But the show must go on, so Bwoggers Zoe Sottile […]
Don’t worry if you couldn’t make it to the review session. Tonight’s windchill was so disrespectful, it felt like a physical manifestation of the Orgo exam itself. But it’s cool (literally), we’ve got you covered with all the answers– find this semester’s Orgo Night script below. FALL 2016 ORGO NIGHT SCRIPT by amara on Scribd
The first day of finals are tomorrow, which means we have a gift for you tonight. It’s not a Sweetgreen discount code, nor is it our roommate’s adderall. Instead we give you this semester’s Orgo Night script (even better than the Orgo exam answer key). Laugh, share with friends, and don’t forget to be offended. Enjoy! […]
Want to partake in some late night ~discourse~ with the social justice warriors on your newsfeed? Bwog has got you covered. Take a quick study break and check out our full coverage of Orgo Night: the Columbia University Marching Band’s semi-annual performance in Butler 209 on the night before the Organic Chemistry exam. You can also read through the official transcript below. Be […]
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