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Posts Tagged with "midnight breakfast"

Tonight is probably the night with the highest ratio of events that tour guides mention to the number of hours in which they occur – both Orgo Night and Midnight Breakfast are tonight! You’ve (hopefully) seen the posters for Orgo Night at this point, but in case you haven’t, it’ll be at 11:59 pm in […]

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We’ve all had that moment: you’re looking in the mirror, examining your bedraggled second-semester face, and you have that thought: Why don’t I look like Ben Stiller in Night at the Museum, during his prime?? Well, unfortunately, you’re stuck with that embittered mug until you die (or earn enough to get the lines etched into your […]

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Tonight, we celebrate the student body and the school as best we know with free (FREE!) pre-finals food and free (FREE!) offense given to everything and everybody! At exactly midnight, the Columbia University Marching Band will erupt into Butler 209 for the 62nd consecutive, 69th semi-annual Orgo Night. We don’t really know if the aim to […]

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Barnard College’s plethora of unique traditions (who else stuffed themselves to the gills at Big Sub, be honest) are always something to look forward to. Even though the college is undergoing some huge changes right now (RIP BarnLib) and some less-huge changes (the Magnolia is only moving a 10-second walk away, you can relax), its […]

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Tonight, we celebrate our school as best we know how with communal food before finals and offense given to everyone and everything! At precisely the stroke of midnight, in Butler 209, the Columbia University Marching Band will be hosting “the 60th consecutive 69th semi-annual Orgo Night.” This alleged act of public service (as well as […]

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What it says on the tin. When you need that study break tonight, the Columbia University Marching Band’s got you covered, as they do every semester. Orgo Night, Butler 209, 11:59 pm. Go groan at the lame jokes and tweet the good ones so we don’t have to. Snag a spot early. And as always, […]

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In case all the recent breaking news has distracted you from finals week, some things never change: Orgo Night will take place tonight at 11:59 pm in Butler 209. And you can bet there will have been some last-minute additions to the script. Also tonight: Midnight Breakfast at, naturally, midnight in LeFrak Gymnasium. Whether you […]

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Last night, SGA met to unveil the Governing Board at Barnard, a new entity in charge of recognizing and funding student groups on campus. As per usual, Maddie Ball was there, taking a short break from her favorite hobby of clicking “next episode” on Netflix.  If you lead a student club, are in a student […]

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Here in the darkness of finals, not one, but two time-honored procrastinatory activities are available for you tonight. You can either catch Orgo Night for politically incorrect jokes in Butler, or nourish your all-nighter at Barnard’s Midnight Breakfast — the theme this year is Electric Breakfast, which means that you have to do the electric […]

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At Midnight Breakfast and Orgo Night, respectively! Despite some date-drama, the pre-finals breakfast will in fact be held tonight, as per tradition. Head over to LeFrak for a superhero-themed meal at 11 pm if you’re a Barnard senior, 11:30 if you’re a Barnard non-senior, and 12 if you’re a pleb. Also tonight: grab a seat […]

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Despite what you may have heard about Dean Hinkson’s preliminary plans, Bwog received word from Barnard’s McIntosh Activites Council that the date of Midnight Breakfast will not change, after all. As usual, the it will be held the night before finals, Thursday May 3rd. What McAC had to say: McAC is happy to announce that […]

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In response to recent buzz spreading around The Hive at a speed that can only be attributed to highly-caloric breakfast foods and finals, Bwog can confirm Dean Hinkson’s plans to move Midnight Breakfast from the night before finals begin to the first night of Reading Period. Dean Hinkson’s office released the following statement to Bwog: […]

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Le Petit Déjeuner

Bonjour! If you are in need of a carbohydrate boost after the exhilaration of Orgo Night spirals down and the dread accompanying the fact that you still have a few thousand words to go on that essay you plan to finish tonight begins to set in, procrastinate even further by stopping by Barnard for the annual Midnight Breakfast. This year, it […]

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Dinner and a Show

Just because finals start tomorrow in earnest doesn’t mean you can’t have fun tonight! At midnight in 209, CUMB hosts Orgo Night. There will be music, shouting, school spirit, and Barnard jokes. Speaking of the ladies across Broadway, tonight is another Midnight Breakfast. There will be barrels of free food. Barnard seniors may start munching […]

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Lily Icangelo satirically explains why horror, bemusement, and brunchfoods go hand in hand at Barnard’s traditional last-night-before-finals feast. Midnight Breakfast is as absolutely terrifying as it is incredibly awesome. Walking into a crowded gym of highly stressed out, type-A personality, sleep-deprived girls? So, SO scary. The nervous energy that fills LeFrak Gym during Midnight Breakfast […]

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