Hans Hyttinen has just sent us his dispatch from the frontline. Apparently there was confusion as to whether it was a drill or not, as the alarm stopped sounding after a few rings. At this very moment, “a mix of pleased and peeved physics students are standing around the lesser-known sundial.”
Here are some more activities to keep Mom and Dad busy because Bwog loves you and your parents and because Bwog has secret tour guide aspirations…. Wallach Art Gallery Columbia has its own mini-museum in Schermerhorn! Who knew? The Wallach Gallery’s classy digs will undoubtedly impress your parents. Maybe you’ll even impress them with your […]
A Bwog daily editor reports on a distressing development in the world of tunneling: A year ago, your correspondent made a bid for tunneling immortality. With sharpie in hand, I went in search of the Columbia tunnel system’s holy grail–a Manhattan Project-era cyclotron rumored to be somewhere in the upper campus tunnel system. It turns […]
Christine Simpson writes in: Just to let you know, about 15 minutes ago my class in pupin 1332 was told to leave because of a gas leak. I know that at least one other class above the 10th floor was told to evacuate. Just nobody light a match…
If you’re like us, you’ve spent many a seminar playing “guess the biggest secret of the person sitting next to you.” We’ve concocted a twisted past habit or two, but we didn’t think of naked urban spelunking until this article in the Times today provided us with ample imagery. The piece has weird Pupin lore, overt fetishization, hip post-industrial aesthetics, “human […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025