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Posts Tagged with "bad science"

Bwog wants to know— was it worth it? You had a perfectly good pillow, but you went and ruined it in New York’s annual Pillow Fight last saturday. (Digital Journal) And to the Scientific Community as a whole, you had all those cows, and you went and made them produce human breast milk. What’s next? Brown cows […]

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Pupin Evacuated

Christine Simpson writes in: Just to let you know, about 15 minutes ago my class in pupin 1332 was told to leave because of a gas leak.  I know that at least one other class above the 10th floor was told to evacuate. Just nobody light a match…  

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The Columbia Undergraduate Science Journal has fired another salvo in their ongoing feud against Jester, claiming responsibility for the recent disappearance of 700 issues of the most recent Jester issue. They’ve placed the once-missing issues all over campus, and attached a message: “Jester Promotes Scientific Fallacies.” The full-page manifesto contains many of the CUSJ grievances, a […]

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Magical Overheards

Overheard in Fayerweather: Professor: “How many Americans believe in fairies, pixies, trolls…” [goes on to name several other mythical creatures] Student: “Five.” Wrong answer! At least two: Overheard on Broadway: “You do know that unicorns walk among us…” “Yes, but…”

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Welcome once again to Cooking With Bwog, bringing you the cooking tips you need to eat well using dorm kitchens, a lack of utensils, and a tight budget. This week, Bwog’s culinary team brings you tips for using your microwave.  Microwaves are so informal in the cooking world that they often aren’t mentioned in cook […]

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“Gandhi, Newton, and Enlightenment”: University Lecture delivered by Professor Akeel Bilgrami in Low Memorial Library Rotunda, October 25th.   Akeel Bilgrami is Columbia’s secret big deal. He’s not a Foner, Sachs, Khalidi, or even a Massad, but… Bilgrami… that sounds familiar right? If it doesn’t, Alan Brinkley’s introduction to Bilgrami’s University Lecture (“Gandhi, Newton, and […]

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Breast Breakthrough

A recent item on gave us pause: The Harvard Gazette reports that researchers in Australia have now successfully grown a complete, functioning breast from a single stem cell. Though the experiment, set up by Kaylene Simpson, a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Medical School, was performed on a mouse, experts are confident that the study’s […]

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Friendly Advice

Overheard in an EC elevator: Girl #1: “You have insomnia?” Girl #2: “No, I have wind ensemble.” We prefer to view this exchange not as an example of mishearing, but as one friend inquiring about an ailment, and the other friend expounding on its cure.

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Eight years after Katie Holmes decides to permanently defer enrollment at Columbia, Daddy Holmes decides he wants his $500 deposit back. Is the Scientology wedding really turning out to be that expensive?

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From Horoscopes for February 21, 2006. Larry Summers (Born: November 30, 1954, Saggitarius) Daily Extended: If any sign is famous for always being game to try something new, it’s you. But right about now, the universe is just about insisting that you try something, believe it or not, when it comes to finances. If […]

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Seen on a Student Government Office computer during the weekly Fed meeting: The Wikipedia entry for “Slash Fiction.“ What is Slash Fiction? Slash fiction is a type of fan fiction in which one or more media characters are involved in a homosexual relationship as a primary plot element. These gay pairings are often described in […]

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A writer at the Brown Daily Herald has alerted the Columbia College Student Council that, for a year between 2003-2004, CUIT sold our emails to Columbia panopticists, er, sociologists, Gueorgi Kossinets and Duncan Watts for this Science article. The study, which discusses the formation and evolution of social networks, did not name the “large university” […]

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… Columbia is the 7th best university in the country. Take that, U.S. News!* *They ranked us 9th.

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Someone Call H-APPY

    In the East Sky lounge of the Broadway dormitory a keen observer will find exposed wires protected by the pen-written text, “Tampering will knock out AC/Heat.” Violations will result in electrocution and a slap on the wrist.

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From “Revealed Preference Determinants of Mate Selection: Evidence from an Experimental Dating Market“: “We find that male behavior is very well explained by a simple model date-quality maximization. By contrast, we find a number of patterns in female choices that are inconsistent with this model.” No wonder they call it the dismal science. Funky abstract […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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