On today’s episode of animals loose in New York City: a peacock!
How does stand one out when thousands of other students are taking the same exact pictures in the same exact Pantone 290 gowns?
Learn what happened last night at GSSC with our bureau chief, Romane Thomas. Yesterday night, General Studies Student Council met in the Satow room to discuss student services, representation at the Black Students Organization and upcoming student events. President Larosa announced that elections would start today at 10am. VP of Policy Silin Huang updated the […]
GSSC is back with Romane Thomas! They covered the integration of Dual BAers, CUFSN, GS week, and more during this week’s meeting. Last night GSSC gave us co-sponsorships and promises meditation sessions and insomnia cookies. President Larosa started off the meeting by reminding the council that election season was starting today with the information session […]
Last night, GSSC met in the Satow room on Lerner’s fifth floor and, among other things, efficiently voted on a new budget. VP of Finance Jacob Case went through the new budget of this spring semester. He explained that the budget had increased due to an unexpected rise of student numbers. With this new cash […]
Rush season can bring out the worst in us, and here we remind you of the University of Maryland Delta Gamma email scandal of 2013. We were recently tipped a similarly shocking email sent from Bwog’s rush chair. You can read it below (and remember to #rushbwog!!!). If you just opened this email like I […]
Yes, there is a thing called the Puppy Coalition. And yes, they are coming to a freshman dorm near you! From 1:45pm-3:30pm there will be puppies in the John Jay and Furnald lounges. In addition there will be “crazy holiday crafts,” and something described as “back rubs” from a masseuse team called “Stressbusters” in John Jay. […]
Some colleges have Columbus Day off. Some throw massive parties that get broken up by riot police. (ABC News). Is it still street art if it’s not on the street? And isn’t everyone getting a little annoyed with Banksy nowadays? (Gothamist). Not only do people go out boating to celebrate the conquering discovery of America, […]
We figured y’all might need a few light-hearted things to round out this week. So did SWP the Puppy Coalition. To that end, your favorite stress-relievers — THE PUPPIES — are coming back to John Jay to banish your woes. Tomorrow from 2:00 to 3:30 in the John Jay and Furnald lounges, countless (okay, around […]
Celebrate the end of your LitHum/CC/all of the finals with the return of happiness, a.k.a a bunch of really sweet dogs hanging out in your dorms. Tomorrow from 2 to 3:30 p.m., the lounges of John Jay and Furnald will be overcome with puppy fur, hot chocolate, cider, and Stressbusters (JJ only). Here’s the list […]
Just what we needed two weeks before graduation: another existential column about the declining value of a college education! Thanks, Frank Bruni.(NY Times) You think that time you had to lug your MacBook to the Apple Store was bad? Look at what happened to the Iranians. (BBC) This is what avant garde art has become: […]
Today, while doing important reporter-y things and combing reputable news sources for the next big scoop, Bwog received an unexpected call to arms. Mattingly, the lovable boxer who came to relieve stress on campus during finals, needs our help! He and his person are competing for a chance to walk in New Yorkie Runway, a charitable event that raises […]
As you glance around the Reference Room, “cute” is probably the last word you would use to describe the sickly, sleep-deprived, and saddened masses surrounding you. But if you’re in need of a study break (and we know you are), then there are several little bundles of cuteness waiting for you. That’s right, the puppies […]
You mean Obama didn’t single-handedly end racism and injustice in America? Michelle…she’s elegant, stylish, and intelligent! 007007007007007007007007 More puppies: the change we need! “But, he’s James Franco. It’s just not a big deal.” Just leave it on the runway, honey.
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025