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Posts Tagged with "james franco"

You’ve been hoping, wishing, dreaming of this for so long. It feels as though time has moved at a glacial pace until this point. But now, in the lulls in conversations, in the seconds of silence, in the moments before you fall asleep. You hear him: James Franco. His voice rises from somewhere deep within you, and […]

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A hearty welcome to the TVC students today!  We hope your day goes smoothly.  If you see or hear anything funny, or if you just need someone new to talk to, go ahead and email — we’d love to hear from you! Today’s Highlights: Move In for TVC students, 9 am-1 pm Individual Advising […]

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For the first Senior Wisdom on this Commencement Day, we bring you the wonderful Allie Curry, senior editor at The Blue and White. Name, Hometown, School: Allie Curry; Bismarck, North Dakota; Columbia College Claim to fame? I like words. Acquaintances most often call me out for arguing against Helen, that yes, you should tap that.  n.b.: I was […]

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Columbia’s National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse published a study that supports a link between childhood family dinners and substance free living. (ABC News) NYC Police Commissioner, Ray Kelly, released a memo last Friday that instructed police officers to no longer arrest people for small-time pot possession. So long as you have less than […]

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Drug busts don’t just happen at our school! These guys stepped it up a notch, and now they’re down $8 million and 8,000 marijuana plants. (NY Post) And it looks like we’re not the only ones with new admissions stats—kindergarten hopefuls continue to wait for a spot at their elementary schools, but the lists just keep […]

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A mixed bag of news graces this morning’s bwoglines, but except for the announcement that Arianna Huffington will present the keynote address at the Columbia Spectator’s Annual Awards Dinner, it’s pretty much the worst of times. A winter storm warning is in effect till Wednesday evening.  University weather related updates say, as we’d expect, school’s […]

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Because of the snow, Dining has confirmed that a couple changes in the normal dining facility schedules will occur today. Take note: Ferris Booth is closed The cafe on the ground floor of Dodge is closed (though we only went there for James Franco sightings, anyway!) Cafe 212 is open The cafe in Butler is […]

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Our own econ professor, Jagdish Bhagwati, won the Nobel Prize for Economics–on the season premiere of The Simpsons, that is. It’s in the first minute. (Fancast) Because we still care a tiny bit (even if we don’t want to admit it), James Franco says he wasn’t sleeping through class that one time he was sleeping […]

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A profile of GS student John McClelland II, who was an Army medic in Afghanistan and Iraq, in Warrior Forge. He says that he’s working on his first novel, The War in Glorious Technicolor. Reason 10,343 to be happy you don’t go to NYU: the Times takes a look at college life in the city, […]

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Bwoglines: A Melange

That means “a motley assortment of things.” Seatbelts, everyone! Gulati says the U.S team was “capable of more” in the World Cup. Columbia is a partner in a jargon-y, confusing government project called the “NYC Media Lab.” Breaking: James Franco is self-important. He is also an artist. Joseph Stiglitz makes $109,919 a year is the […]

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James Franco: current Columbian, NYUer… and future Yalie? (Yale Daily News) Mystery surrounds an early morning stabbing on the 2 train. (NYT) Is CUNY full of the city’s ignominious? (NYP) Will pulling up your pants help fight crack? (Gothamist) Still not much is known about the future of GSAPP associate professor Lionel McIntyre. (Spec) Update: […]

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If Valentine’s Day is slipping away and you’re starting to fret about not being with your crush, well, fret no longer! Following its successful stint at the College of William and Mary, (formerly the CrushFinder) has expanded and hit Columbia/Barnard and wants YOU to sign up and start crushin’! According to Josh Weinstein, Princeton […]

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The snowstorm blanketing much of the Mid-Atlantic kept a lot of your high school friends from flying home this weekend. (Times) The Parks Department officially invites you to go sledding in city parks; unfortunately, they will not be officially providing post-sledding hot chocolate with marshmallows. (Gothamist) While hosting last night’s episode SNL, James Franco french-kissed […]

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Bring It On

Columbia Film has snagged another star — Bwog tipster Margaret Herman spotted Kirsten Dunst lounging on one of leather benches outside 511 Dodge.  According to Film Dept TA Chanelle Elaine, Dunst is set to star in a film directed by a Columbia faculty member.  Now that he’s got some competition, maybe James Franco won’t hide quite so conspicuously […]

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And we’re gonna let you finish, but… New York City has some of the highest unemployment of all time. (NYT) We’ve also got some of the lowest homicide rates of all time. (AP) Columbia’s Joseph Massad has one of the most protested tenures of all time. (Manhattan Institute) The new swine flu nasal spray is […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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