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Posts Tagged with "relay for life"

Love free food, AmCaf, and supporting cancer survivors? Go to Relay Week 2014, or any of the events hosted by Relay for Life Committee at Columbia. It started Monday, but it looks like there are still loads of giveaways and alcohol cool, awesome things happening. It’s almost exclusively in Lerner and AmCaf so you basically […]

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If you live facing campus, this is the second day straight that you’ve been awoken by amplified music. This time, though, it was some ninties-type “alternative rock” group, rather than LMFAO and the like. His dulcet tones even carry into the Ref Room!

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NOM^3, your favorite student run catering group, is giving away Banh Mi in the middle College Walk. What is Banh Mi, you ask? A vegetarian/vegan Vietnamese sandwich with pan-seared tofu, fresh cucumbers, sautéed onions, and pickled daikon. Our Nommer contacts tell us that donations are appreciated and will go to Relay For Life. Speaking of […]

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Free Dessert

Doubts about your summer plans making your tummy tremble? Post up in 502 Lerner tonight at 9 pm for free cookies, cupcakes and milk at an info session for Ivy Summer Management Program hosted by Jeremy Slawin CC ’11 and Shelly Xu CC ’13. Then, head over to the Relay For Life Kickoff in 101 Diana Center, inside […]

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Remember when these took up so much space? SGA Bureau Chief Zoe Camp reports: Guests were the order of the evening. Claire Fram from Barnard Ecoreps, introduced the brand spankin’ new EcoActs section on their website for students to sign up for projects like the Barnard Clothing-Swap Coordinator, Earth week, etc. Bronwyn Moreno from Relay […]

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In case you missed today’s other complementary comestibles, from 9pm to 10pm there will be free hot chocolate and homemade pumpkin cupcakes in Lerner West Ramp Lounge, brought to you by Relay For Life. They will be writing holiday cards to cancer patients at the American Cancer Society’s Hope Lodge. Image via Wikimedia Commons

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Relay For Life

Today was Columbia’s 7th Annual Relay for Life to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Bwog’s Mahrah Taufique reports via photo.

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Take a break from studying and hurry out of your hard-fought Butler cubicles!  Relay For Life committee members are giving away s’mores, hot drinks, and snacks in a study break from 12-2 on the Lerner Ramps.  They will also have some fantastic t-shirts on sale, with slogans such as “Great Boobs Are Worth Fighting For” […]

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Unless you’ve been closeted in the stacks all day, you probably heard the shindig out on the Plaza, which will raise lots and lots of money ($64,445 and counting) to benefit the American Cancer Society. It’s also rather entertaining for passersby, with various field-day type activities filling every corner of the quad. More pictures after […]

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