Constitutional review: a dirty but necessary businesses. Get in the thick of it alongside Satow Room reporter Nadra Rahman and a few dedicated visitors from CUAD. The Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) was knee-high in constitutional review last night, debating the elimination of current positions, the creation of new of new ones, and in general, […]
CCSC’s meeting makes the most of every minute covering bylaws, more bylaws, and the CASA bill. Abby Porter, VP of Policy, introduced the CASA (Campus Accountability and Safety Act) to the CCSC’s meeting. CASA is a pending bill on the House and Senate introduced in 2015 by Senator Claire McCaskill. The bill aims to reform […]
This year’s fall candidates for CCSC and ESC have been released! Below are the candidates for the 2020 Class Council, as well as various other representative positions and the controversial Sandwich Ambassador position. Notably, the ESC University Senator position is also up for grabs because the Senator elected last spring, Luis Rivera, is taking a year […]
It’s the end of the semester, and we’re all unraveling a little bit – stress about exams, end-of-semester projects, and those ever-looming course evaluations is really getting to us. It appears that CCSC might not be so different – a simple discussion about the Sandwich Ambassador nearly drove CCSC into chaos. But the council still […]
Last night’s CCSC meeting saw debate over extremely crucial student matters: whether or not to eliminate certain positions (including the ever-controversial Sandwich Ambassador.) Bureau Chief Joe Milholland covered the meeting, but if you want even more CCSC with your CCSC, you can view the stream of the meeting here. The Uneliminated Positions Despite heated debate, […]
Why is Bacchanal consuming our lives? How should we navigate hearings for groups? Why is the Class of 2019 being so darn productive? Man on the ground Joe Milholland answers these questions and more as he reports back from the weekly CCSC meeting, absorbing as ever. The issues are pretty pertinent! Bacchanal Survey At the Columbia […]
Huzzah huzzah to constitutional review! Review of last night’s constitutional review brought to you by Joe Milholland. It’s constitutional review season at the Columbia College Student Council! Groups of council members have been reviewing their constitution, and they presented some of the major areas of review on Sunday night. However, the council only gave input […]
Today was the official Sandwich Ambassador candidate debate. Bwog sent Joseph Milholland, Satow Room Chief and Sandwich Fan, to cover the event. It was less than exciting. At the beginning of the scheduled half hour for the Sandwich Ambassador Debate, only one candidate, first-year Joshua Burton, had shown up in the Satow Room. Of the […]
The most important position on CCSC has graciously extended its deadline to submit an interest form from yesterday to tonight at midnight for all those who have yet to hop on to the CCSC Sandwich Ambassador bandwagon. Interested candidates should heavily contemplate topics for their two State of the Sandwich speeches on the sundial (your love of the sandwich/free food/feeding […]
Our next Senior Wisdom is from Jake Davidson, founder of The Lion and ambassador to sandwiches everywhere. Name, Hometown, School, Major: Jake Davidson, Manhattan, Columbia College, Political Science/MESAAS Claim to fame: Founded The Lion, worked as Online Editor for Spectator, am one of like three hockey fans at Columbia Where are you going? Maybe journalism, […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025