Sarah Dooley, BC ’11, just launched her first video for her single “Peonies.” The project was funded largely by a successful Kickstarter campaign that surpassed its goal in July. This quirky, colorful video is the preview to Sarah’s upcoming album entitled Stupid Things. Her manager Erin Byrne, also a Barnard alum, told Bwog that Sarah’s office in […]
Get wise with yet another senior. Name, School: Sarah Dooley, BC Claim to fame: I’m that girl who spilled mustard all over her shoes while you were getting free food in the Piano Lounge. If that’s not it, then good, I was lying, and my real answer is the 114th Varsity Show, singing/songwriting/ripping off Regina Spektor, […]
Another blog has discovered our friend Sarah Dooley. Yes, her character is a lot like Michael Scott, but so much cuter! A Columbia grad student played in that intertubes-inspired concert at Carnegie Hall: “I haven’t hardly played at all.” Drought in Africa: yes, it could happen, and it’s happened before: “startling.” Ever wonder what happens […]
The Gray Lady‘s Freakonomics blog included a post this morning about our very own beloved Sarah Dooley. The poster, Ian Ayres predicted: “she is going to make it big. I’m not sure how, but remember you heard it here first.” False. We actually started praising Dooley’s hilarious YouTube series, AndSarah, about a year ago. Dooley […]
Too much to sift through on YouTube? Life’s hard. Bwog’s here to help. There’s nothing as bad as being in Butler on a Saturday night. But, instead of wasting your study break tonight on another disappointing episode of SNL, Bwog suggests checking out Sarah Dooley’s (BC ’11) delightful YouTube series, AndSarah. Sarah’s face may be […]
Where Art Thou: Welcome Back Edition
January 21, 2025In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024