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SEAS Class Day 2014

Yesterday afternoon, the SEAS Class of 2014 took their metaphorical first step into the real world. Extended Housing Squatter Kevin Chen went to watch the festivities. As per usual, the first person to speak was the class president, Daniel O’Leary. He went on in the conventional manner: a joke about hard problem sets and late-night ramen, urging graduates […]

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SEAS has just announced that Jon Oringer will give the SEAS Class Day 2014 keynote speech next month. Oringer is the creator of Shutterstock, the stock photo website that Bwog overuses, and is also an alumnus of SEAS, receiving  in 1998 his MS in Computer Science. Last year, Robert Bakish, SEAS’85 and MBA’89, CEO of Viacom Int’l Media […]

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Yesterday afternoon, SEAS students took their turn at being graduated.  It was a great afternoon, if humid, with lots of energy and excitement.  Class Prez Mary Byers stepped up to the mic to chants of “Ma-ry Ma-ry!” from her classmates.  “We’ve had our minds blown time and time again,” she said with a smile.  Engineering […]

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Today, the SEAS class of 2012 took the metaphorical and literal stage. Super SEAS Specialist (aka SEAS junior) Brian Wagner watched and took some notes.  Coming and going with a bit less fanfare than today’s other ceremony, SEAS Class Day took place on the South Lawn late this afternoon. The atmosphere was decidedly less energetic […]

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Columbia University recently announced that Ralph Izzo, SEAS ’79, will deliver this year’s SEAS Class Day address. If you haven’t heard of him, let it be known that Izzo is kind of a big deal. With a BS and MS in mechanical engineering and a PhD in applied physics, Izzo has graduated from Columbia quite […]

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SEAS alum and Professor Emeritus Paul Brandt-Rauf is your SEAS Class Day Speaker. SEAS Class Day is Sunday, May 16th. Brandt-Rauf has been on the Columbia faculty for 23 years, and is a Professor Emeritus of Environmental Health Sciences, of Medicine, and of Earth and Environmental Engineering. He holds six degrees from the University—BS, MS […]

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A loyal (indeed, very loyal) Bwog reader reports: “Shortly after the SEAS class day festivities finished (e.g. now), the sound system is playing the Mos Eisley Cantina song from Star Wars.” Bwog has heard many graduating students proclaiming that they have waited a long time for this. We bet they have.

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