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Posts Tagged with "Class of 2014"
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SEAS Class Day 2014

Yesterday afternoon, the SEAS Class of 2014 took their metaphorical first step into the real world. Extended Housing Squatter Kevin Chen went to watch the festivities. As per usual, the first person to speak was the class president, Daniel O’Leary. He went on in the conventional manner: a joke about hard problem sets and late-night ramen, urging graduates […]

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Yesterday afternoon, Columbia College announced its 2014 valedictorian and salutatorian. Bwog interviewed this year’s CC valedictorian, Margarete Diaz Cuadros, and salutatorian, Samuel Walker, soon after. Bwog: How did you find out you were valedictorian, and how did you celebrate? Margarete: I got an email from Deantini but initially ignored it because I did not realize it was meant for […]

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In keeping with the unofficial tradition of bring back alumni for Class Day, Columbia College has secured Dan Futterman, CC ’89, for the keynote address of Columbia College Class Day 2014, as announced in an email by senior class president Conan Cassidy (full email down below). Futterman is an award-winning actor and screenwriter, most well […]

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It’s taken quite some time for your dearly departed senior staff member to write this intro—accepting that we are, in fact, graduating (fingers crossed) is a hard thing to do. But there you have it. Somehow we’ve made it through freshman, sophomore, and junior year, and here we are with just one semester left—or less! The […]

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Last night y’all screamed for Primal Scream, one of the few traditions we keep up here at this fine university, along with losing our minds during finals seasons, writing weirdly aggressive passive aggressive notes, and misplacing brownstones. This year, the Class of 2014 attempted a new tradition, with about 30 seniors gathering at Alma to […]

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If all you wanna do is scream, here’s how to do it. Reposted for your auditory pleasure, the extra-comprehensive guide on letting it loose. Finals got you down? Then you can verbally vent your frustrations by participating in the Primal Scream. The guide for noobs: If your clock or watch is not auto-synced to the […]

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And oh what a rollicking weekend it was. There was definitely something in the air this week as people everywhere went hog wild and got up to some serious hoodrat shit. Ah yes, nightlife Last Lerner Pub of the semester was last night; pretty empty but not Senior-Night-at-Pourhouse status. Plus it was nice not having to […]

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And what a weekend it was. Before you run off for Thanksgiving, let’s give thanks to all the people who provided entertainment this weekend, in our weekly field notes. A toast to the Class of 2014 Bwog walked into Pourhouse (ugh) for the final Senior Night of the semester at 12:15 am Wednesday night with […]

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This past week, the Class of 2014 had several opportunities to get their official senior portrait taken. Awkward, unphotogenic Alexandra Svokos tried desperately to redeem herself from her ridiculously horrible high school yearbook portrait. Here’s her internal monologue. You are not going to fuck this up again. Just get in there, do what they say, and […]

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The 2o14 class councils want need you to ensure that graduation events for the Class of 2014 aren’t horrible and boring and stupid.  Apply to join any of their various committees and groups so you have nothing to grumble about and no one to blame but yourself come May. Senior Week Committee Application One co-chair from each school (BC, […]

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It’s baaaaack: CCSC’14, ESC’14, and SGA’14 all bring you seniors the first Lerner Pub of the year tonight at 10 p.m. Head to the Lerner Party Space armed with your state I.D. and Columbia I.D. (you need both!) to enjoy some crowds and Columbia-provided beer. The space can only accommodate 250 people at a time […]

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It Begins!

The Class of 2014 has begun to trickle in. Bwog extends a warm welcome to the COÖP fresh-people currently spending their first night at Columbia sleeping under the huge Convocation tent on South Lawn. Bwog found COÖP leaders and freshmen in a semi-circle on the lawn this evening, singing “Roar, Lion, Roar” together. One “fearless […]

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Look at how we caught your eye with that headline! Remember that sub-plot in V116 about Dean “Double D” Denburg’s Big Bear/Little Bear initiative? The one where DD matched Barnard first-years and upperclassmen in a binding friendship contract and Jenny couldn’t sneak out and meet Yonatan at 1020? That sucked for both of them, but […]

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Your standard brownies, mediocre sammiches, and soft beverages outside Roone now for Days on Campus.

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The Office of Undergraduate Admissions sends out letters informing the 23,195 potential members of the Class of 2014 of their fates. That number, in addition to early decision applicants, brings this year’s total to 26,178: 21,747 of them applied to the College and 4,431 to SEAS. Best of luck, friends!

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