Name, school: Armin Rosen, JTS/GS Claim to fame: Current senior editor, tunnel explorer, dilettante music journalist, dilettante intramural official, defender of hopeless causes, hack. Also Bwogged for a spell. Where are you going? Any suggestions? It’s a brutal job market for middlingly-talented hacks, and for the middlingly-talented in general… Three things you learned at Columbia: […]
Name, school: Monica Quaintance, CC Claim to fame: University Senate, Alpha Chi Omega, Ski Team!, Capoeira, Bach Society, Rock Climbing, Ballroom Dance, and, lately, that girl that is always on the steps skipping class and getting sunburnt. Where are you going? 60 blocks south! Three things you learned at Columbia: The best things I learned […]
Name, school: Megan McNally, BC Claim to fame: Barnard EcoRep, and apparently I bought a house? (Clearly not in NY since no one can even afford to own a windowless, rat/cockroach infested basement studio let alone a house) Where are you going? Fulfilling my childhood fascination with NASA and being an astronaut. I’m off to […]
Name, school: Dick Bullitt Brown, University of Havana – North Claim to fame: Butt-ass naked CC presentation on ontological anarchy. The author, Hakim Bey, is a Columbia grad, like me. Where are you going? Into the world/into the wild. Gotta find out whether openness is really my anti-drug. Three things you learned at Columbia: Beware […]
Name, school: Michael Snyder, CC Claim to fame: Amongst friends, amateur gastronome; general enthusiasm for wine, gin, bitters, and pork products; general antipathy toward vegans. Secondarily, campus theater. Where are you going? Staying in the city for the summer, then moving to Santiago, Chile in August for six months to write for The Santiago Times. […]
Name, school: Devora Aharon, CC Claim to fame: Student Governing Board Chair, Hillel Executive Board Where are you going? Most likely Mount Sinai Medical School, but I am trying to take the long way across the Atlantic and then Pacific to get there. Three things you learned at Columbia: Go to Orgo Night and then […]
Name, school: Frances Bodomo, CC Claim to fame: Thinking I could crew on most on-campus film sets to supplement my double-major courseload. Also, chasing after you to submit to the CUFP Film Festival, also WBAR. Organizing events without a cell phone (hey, it all worked out!) Where are you going? I’m staying put for the […]
Name, school: Kate “Kate-O” O’Gorman, BC Claim to fame: Prez-O of the Dems, Roosevelt Policy Director, RA, assorted other things along the way. Where are you going? Still looking for a job. Know anyone who is hiring? Three things you learned at Columbia: In my first-year, I learned about the competition to be the “most […]
Name, school: Ameneh Bordi, CC Claim to fame: Director of the Varsity Show. Other theatrical events. I hope that’s why people know me… Where are you going? I will be staying in the city for the summer, and then I hope someone would like me to direct something for them. I applied for a few […]
Name, school: Deysy Ordóñez-Arreola, CC Claim to fame: CCSC Vice-President for Campus Life; President of Sabor; Student Organization of Latinos; Organization of Pakistani Students; CU Bellydance; and taught Spanish GED (math) in Washington Heights. Where are you going? Macau on a Fulbright. Three things you learned at Columbia: If you get to know your professors […]
Name, school: Whitney Green, SEAS Claim to fame: President of the Engineering Student Council, Beat-boxing extraordinaire, Awesome facial expressions (or so I am told), Getting to do a senior wisdom! Where are you going? After this year? To take a nap. Three things you learned at Columbia: Anything and everything can be made into an […]
Name, school: Kate Redburn, CC Claim to fame: It began with intense year of campus politics—Dems, Ahmadinejad, 5 Years of Occupation–5 Days of Action. Then I devolved into Madame of that Den of Thieves, the Potluck House, from whence came countless Spectator columns, Subway Parties, and the occasional naked art project. I did college backwards. […]
Name, school: Ruqayyah “Rocky” Abdul-Karim, CC Claim to fame: CCSC 2010 council (aka pouring beers at Lerner Pub and giving out free t-shirts), President Emerita of the Black Students Organization, Undergraduate Recruitment Committee (hey tour guides!), co-chair of the Multicultural Recruitment Committee, avid fan of in-text parenthetical thought Where are you going? I am (finally) […]
Name, school: Arianne Richard, CC Claim to fame: CC 2010 Valedictorian, Columbia University Dance Marathon (CUDM) 2010 Co-Overall Chair Where are you going? National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD Three things you learned at Columbia: 1. The 1 train splits from the 2 and 3 trains at 96th street. (Learned during orientation week freshman year) […]
Name, school: Sari Ancel, SEAS Claim to fame: I broke my foot last semester while receiving a hug. And, in 2008, I was the first person assassinated in CU Assassins. Where are you going? Right now I’m writing this on the subway on my way to buy one pound of red wiggler worms for a […]
A Runner’s Guide To Morningside Heights
February 1, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
February 1, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
January 31, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
January 30, 2025