Last week, a newcomer to Bacchanal recorded—or attempted to record—his revelry experience. Tonight, a slightly more seasoned Columbian shares his own weekend’s Party Testimonial, a raucous adventure that crossed boroughs. I had the first fun I’ve had in months at Potluck House‘s annual Subway Party, last Friday, on the way to—and at—Coney Island. It was […]
Name, school: Kate Redburn, CC Claim to fame: It began with intense year of campus politics—Dems, Ahmadinejad, 5 Years of Occupation–5 Days of Action. Then I devolved into Madame of that Den of Thieves, the Potluck House, from whence came countless Spectator columns, Subway Parties, and the occasional naked art project. I did college backwards. […]
Though the process for selecting next year’s housing begins in earnest next week, students who are part of special interest communities already know where they will be living this fall. Those locations—whether they be brownstones or a singles in Wien—play a large role in determining the lifecycles of these student groups, for in special interest […]
Those getting busted at the b-ball frat bash probably missed Saturday night’s alternative midnight mischief — Symposium (aka Potluck) House and friends on their frenetic parade around campus. The trill of kazoos (playing the Star Wars theme), accordions, oboes, and the clamor of tambourines, pots and pans, accompanied the shouts of a motley crew of […]
Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
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