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Posts Tagged with "senior wisdom december 2013"

Sooo we messed up—in going through emails, Bwog found a Senior Wisdom we’d forgotten to post along with the rest.  Huge apologies to Savannah for the delay on this, but trust us, this is a gem of a Senior Wisdom and well worth the wait. Name, Hometown, School: Savannah Fletcher; I hail from an island north […]

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Name, Hometown, School: Liora Hostyk (Lee or Munchkin also work). Hollywood, FL. Barnard College, Environmental Policy Claim to fame? I hosted this dance party. I am the Queen of Free Things, be it tickets to TV show tapings or Broadway shows or champagne/ cheese from Barnard Bartending gigs. I was inadvertently involved with the Robert/Kristine 1020 saga. My […]

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Name, Hometown, School: Jess Levenson, West Orange, NJ, Barnard Claim to fame? Former Hillel Eboard member, sister of Sigma Delta Tau, Columbia cheerleader, self-proclaimed food studies major. Hosted Greek Beats this year. Won second place in last year’s Erotic Cake Competition. Where are you going? To live with my parents in Jerz Three things you learned at Columbia: […]

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Name, Hometown, School: Kenneth, Kenny, Ken, Moshe, Moses, Mo-Zow, Mo Zauderer; Woodmere, NY; Columbia College Claim to fame? Probably the person who saw you saving three spots in the 3rd Floor Ref Room and kindly asked you, “Is anyone sitting there?” You unkindly gave me a dirty look, said no, and moved your things. Where are you […]

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Name, Hometown, School: Stephen Snowder, Stafford VA, GS Claim to fame? Co-founder/chief editor of The Lion, the only Columbia blog co-founded and chiefly edited by Stephen Snowder. Prior to that, editor of Spectrum, Spec’s blog. Some people still think I am behind specsucks, but I’m not (I’m not humble enough to refuse credit for something so hilarious). […]

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In our continuing series of midyear Senior Wisdoms for midyear graduates, we bring you Kyla Cheung, who’s been working on her Senior Wisdom for years.  Seriously. Name, Hometown, School: Kyla, Jersey, Barnumbia Claim to fame? Ha, “fame.” Mmhm. Okay. I suspect I got nominated for this because I started writing parts of this Senior Wisdom years ago. […]

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Welcome back to another round of our short December Senior Wisdoms, shouting out to those midyear graduates. Here we have Pazia Miller—we can’t believe her life, either. Name, Hometown, School: Pazia Shayne Miller (Pronounced Asia with a P at the front), raised in Baltimore and transplanted to White Plains, New York (REPRESENT). Barnard College always. Claim […]

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We know, we know, it’s a little early for this. In honor of those mid-year graduates, we’re running a short series of Senior Wisdoms. Kicking things off we have Benjie Frieling, saving the day from congestion. Name, Hometown, School: Benjamin Frieling, though most people call me Benjie [no, not the dog]. Hailing from the rather nearby […]

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