Guidance counselors for electronic individual learning plans. (NYT) The “lazy” and “detached” Governor Paterson. (NYP) Obama’s smoking habits. Or not. (NYDaily) JFK’s main runway, at least for four months. Columbia Spectator online, in favor of a site based around their new (fun and trendy!) blog, Spectrum.
Here we go again: the Spectator is currently planning an overhaul of their website (for those curious, it’ll be the third such overhaul in four years). An email to Spec staff reveals that the new homepage will squash all of their current Splogs (check out our coverage here) into one giant mega-Splog to supplement the […]
The Good Ship Spectator is in limited production this week, hibernating today in honor of midterm exams. Satisfy your desire for a daily dose of QuickSpec with a round up of Spec‘s ever-so scintillating splogs. Wonder what Business School Dean R. Glenn Hubbard is up to these days? Still think he wants to be the […]
Oh look, the Spectator has launched its latest venture into the blogosphere. This one’s called Spectacle, and it’s an arts and entertainment blog. Ahoy, Spectacle! (Fun fact: years ago, Spec‘s entire A&E section used to be called “Spectacle.”) So far there’s been disparate chatter about movies, video games, and food, among other things. Fare thee […]
From “Revealed Preference Determinants of Mate Selection: Evidence from an Experimental Dating Market“: “We find that male behavior is very well explained by a simple model date-quality maximization. By contrast, we find a number of patterns in female choices that are inconsistent with this model.” No wonder they call it the dismal science. Funky abstract […]
Gothamist discovers the Splogs And, yes, we’ve decided to re-christen the Spec Blogs the Splogs. Any objections?
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025