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Posts Tagged with "stressbusters"

Today seems like the perfect day to get free stuff in the most unusual of places! Butler’s Room of Requirement has suddenly appeared and knows exactly what you need. In Butler from 6-10 pm tonight, Stressbusters will be in Butler to give free neck and back rubs! We know that your nose will be in […]

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Right after your RC@C floor meeting last night, you trolled your dorm for places to prove that you don’t need to alternate cups of beer and water. It was another night of adventure for our quickly maturing freshman class, but your RA probably encouraged you to wake up early to go to yet another group […]

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The Columbia University Ferris Reel Film Society is hosting a free screening of Ghostbusters, cosponsored by Columbia College Student Council (CCSC), tonight at 10:30 in the Roone Arledge Cinema in Lerner Hall. Entry is free with a CUID, so be sure to get there early grab the good seats. In the spirit of Halloween, organizers have […]

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  The Barnard Library always hosts excellent Stressbusters events, and they’re having another one tonight from 7-9. There will be free food (probably tea and cookies), Stressbusters, and librarians.   Ginger Maine Coon kitten via Wikimedia

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Sometimes the best way to study is to act out your notes, whether they are for drama, film, or human anatomy. One tipster oversaw/heard a precocious 7 year old—dancing on the graduation bleachers whilst rubbing his chest—doing just that… Kid: [Singing] Look at my peeeeeniiiss! Look at my peeeeniiiss! Mom: Jack, get down from there! […]

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Stressbusters, the student group that offers free neck and back rubs to all sore Columbians, is hosting a session today in the Wien first floor lounge from 4 to 5 pm. Stop by for free food and free massages.  Bwog heartily endorses the glories of stress-busting and relaxation.

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The Hillel Exec Board wants to help you relax. Take a break from all your stressors and enjoy a back rub from Columbia’s Stressbusters, the team of students with magical hands who deliver neck and back rubs to all! Remember when? Expect “delicious teas, hot chocolate and other serene snacks” from 8–9 p.m. in the […]

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