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Posts Tagged with "NSOP 2015"

Sure, NSOP is supposed to be a fun time for all first-years, but admit it – you didn’t really do it right. Whether you were too clean or too sloppy, you probably missed out on some stuff you really hoped for. Did you screw up, or did you achieve the elusive Perfect NSOP?

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You’re in the homestretch, kiddies–it’s almost the weekend (and the end of NSOP!), which means you only have a few days left of boring lectures and gyrating at Cannon’s before classes start! Be sure to send us accounts of your adventures at Today’s Highlights: Green Sale. Wien Lounge, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Pick up some […]

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Reminder: Columbia EcoReps will be holding a Green Sale for first year students Friday morning at 10:00 in Wien Lobby. This sale is specifically for first years, but there will be a second sale on Monday for everyone else. More information from the facebook event below: Need school supplies, appliances, kitchenware, or room décor? Save […]

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Right after your RC@C floor meeting last night, you trolled your dorm for places to prove that you don’t need to alternate cups of beer and water. It was another night of adventure for our quickly maturing freshman class, but your RA probably encouraged you to wake up early to go to yet another group […]

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We seem to be really into making playlists lately. Sorry bout it. However, we know y’all need a good playlist to put on during your NSOP pre-games, so we bring you our official NSOP pre-game playlist! Press play and live your truth. Hotline Bling, Drake– We all know how to feels to sit in bed […]

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The Blue and White just came out with their NSOP edition of the magazine, and we are going to be posting some of our favorite pieces from the issue this week. To begin, we bring you an At Two Swords Length piece on going out (or staying in) during NSOP. Read through both sides to decide whether you […]

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It’s been a long two days, and you’re tired. So are the RAs who helped you move in, and the OLs who walked you from Columbia to the moon and back. But get yourself up and running, or sleep in a bit and grab breakfast in John Jay—your first true taste of the Columbia dining […]

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The balloons are up on the gates, new students have piled into their Carman and John Jay doubles, and the first day of NSOP has already come and gone. While you were busy dodging Housing carts, lost first-years, and hyper OLs, we were tweeting the entire day’s worth of hilarious scenes. Check out all that went […]

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Yesterday’s schedule of cart-hauling and forced social interactions is thankfully behind all of you first-years, but don’t think having your stuff all settled in Carman means that you’re free for the week — formal NSOP programming begins now. Your OLs will only up their pep, you will find yourself in more icebreakers, and you might tonight […]

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NSOP is approaching, which means most first years are frantically trying to fit as much stuff as they can into the trunks of their parents’ cars. No fear, though, if you still haven’t touched your suitcases (especially if you’re an upperclassman who doesn’t have to move in until the fifth)–here’s an hour-long playlist that will […]

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Earlier this evening, we received an anonymous tip of a poster from the new Sexual Violence Response consent campaign. The poster says “CONSENT IS BAE #BeforeAnythingElse.” The slogan will be featured in the presentations on sexual respect that all first-years are required to attend during NSOP. In the words of the tipster, some students on campus believe […]

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You’ve read Columbia’s official packing list, you’ve cross-referenced your own list with those of your friends and the other kids on the Columbia Class of 2019 group—now what? Bwog put together a list of a few items to bring that you may not have thought about to help with everything from party preparation to actually passing […]

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We forgot NSOP was actually a thing, but the schedule for NSOP 2015 was released on Guidebook and we’re feeling all nostalgic for some reason. This year’s orientation is themed “You Are Here,” and includes many of our favorite NSOP programs such as Community Forum, Open Mic Night, and the Gender-Based Misconduct lectures! To access the official […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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