As reading “week” draws to a close, you’ve probably been invited to a million different study breaks. You definitely can’t go to them all if you actually want to study for your finals, but how about another? Join Columbia Student Life and Columbia RHLO for a study break in John Jay today from 2 – […]
Well folks, midterms are finally upon us. No, wait. Midterms were upon us last week. And the week before. Some of us even had midterms the week before that. What’s the deal with midterms, anyway? They seem to last forever. Why they’re still called “midterms,” we’ll never know. Spoiler alert: midterms are really just tests. […]
Tonight’s the night for the Midnight Pancake Breakfast at Broadway Presbyterian Church. The doors will open at 11pm and stay open through 1am. Come, fuel your studies with a buttery bite or two. Invite your friends! The evening is co-sponsored by BPC, Advent Lutheran Church, St. Paul & St. Andrew United Methodist Church, and Parity […]
Amsterdam Restaurant and Lounge, fondly known as AmCaf, is hosting a pretty cool event tonight from 9-11 pm. Take a well-deserved study break and hop on over for two hours of free stand-up from notable comedians and some special deals on beer. At the mic tomorrow night will be Barnard’s own Olivia Levine of Control […]
Take a break from trying to avoid the Butlerbator and come hang out with us! We’ll be meeting tonight at 7PM in the SGO on the 5th floor of Lerner Hall. As always, there will be food, friends, and fun!!! Leafy lurker via Shutterstock.
For Live at Lerner’s second sounds event of the semester, Toy Cities will be performing in the Lerner Piano Lounge from 12-1 pm. The band comes to us all the way from Brooklyn and will be accompanied by some delicious tortellini alfredo, roasted chicken, roasted potatoes, and an assortment of exotic desserts. Warm yourself up with […]
We know it’s only the first day of reading “week.” And sure, it’s snowing out. And you’ll definitely be invited to a thousand study breaks this week. But this is probably the coolest one you’ll be invited to and if you’re being honest with yourself, you already need it. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers […]
It snowed yesterday, which makes it officially almost winter break. That and looming finals. Which is why Live at Lerner and Ferris Reel Film Society are bringing you dinner and a movie. Not that it won’t be hard to find a friend with extra swipes in case you miss out on the free ones: ‘Tis […]
We figured y’all might need a few light-hearted things to round out this week. So did SWP the Puppy Coalition. To that end, your favorite stress-relievers — THE PUPPIES — are coming back to John Jay to banish your woes. Tomorrow from 2:00 to 3:30 in the John Jay and Furnald lounges, countless (okay, around […]
Live at Lerner is at it again with their cheery attempts to make Lerner–you know–a legitimate student center. Today from noon till 2 pm in the Lerner Piano Lounge they will be having a Study Break replete with cookie decorating, Stressbusters, holiday-themed arts and crafts, and a video of a totally real warm fire. Along […]
Drag your feeble shell of a body over to Lerner piano lounge today from 12 ’til 2 pm for the last Live at Lerner of the year. There will be song. There might be dance. There will definitely be free sushi. Expertly pull-quoted from their Facebook event, so you know they mean business: The menu […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025