Vikram Pandit, Columbia diploma hoarder, resigned this morning as CEO of Citigroup, effective immediately. Unlike other alums, Pandit has made appearances on campus, including at SIPA graduation and as one of the few non-political leaders at the World Leaders Forum. Outside of the Morningside Heights bubble, he has truly made a name for himself. Pandit […]
Bloomberg Businessweek profiles PrezBo in a new light. (Bloomberg) A blind Chinese blind rights activist escapes “extralegal” house arrest in his rural village; American embassy may or may not be harboring him. (NYT) Ronald Breslow, author of space dinosaurs, is being accused of self-plagiarism; he denies everything. (Nature) Some rich alumnus who credits Columbia with […]
Courtesy of CC ’13 class council. Starting at 3 pm, cupcakes will be distributed to the stressed and tired masses on Lerner Ramps. In related news, alum Julian Geiger ’67CC ’70BUS has just been named President and CEO of Crumbs. food porn via PostPioneer UPDATE (3:17): Bwog sincerely hopes that you are reading this on your iPhone […]
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