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Posts Tagged with "stressed is desserts spelled backwards"

Update: A tipster sent in the gingerbread replica of Low Library now pictured at right. We commend the effort and wonder how PrezBo will like his new sugary habitat. The seasonal studybreaks are proliferating! Head over to the 1st floor Broadway Lounge for gingerbread house building. The organizers, Habitat for Humanity, are making bold claims […]

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Courtesy of CC ’13 class council. Starting at 3 pm, cupcakes will be distributed to the stressed and tired masses on Lerner Ramps. In related news, alum Julian Geiger ’67CC ’70BUS has just been named President and CEO of Crumbs. food porn via PostPioneer UPDATE (3:17): Bwog sincerely hopes that you are reading this on your iPhone […]

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With the trees lit, phase two of holiday-zation has begun. Initiate cookie sequence. Matt Powell of Cooking With Bwog is here with a triple whammy of festive treats that will make you and anyone you decide to share them with jolly.  Coming from California, I associate the holidays with about 60 degree weather. Even though […]

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Most people like to eat. Most people do not like to spend money (see: free food tips). One such lover of all foods free and monies unspent has made herself known to us, and we harassed her so much that she finally agreed to assess the quality, quantity, and pizazz of free food events around campus. […]

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…they might actually smile! And then probably glare at you for ruining their diets. But we digress. IN ANY CASE, if you’re craving some study break nomz, look no further than the Culinary Society’s last study break of the semester. They’ll be serving up holiday cookies like they’re going out of style, with reinvented classics […]

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