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Posts Tagged with "PrezBo and a Dinosaur in front of HamDel"

Bloomberg Businessweek profiles PrezBo in a new light. (Bloomberg) A blind Chinese blind rights activist escapes “extralegal” house arrest in his rural village; American embassy may or may not be harboring him. (NYT) Ronald Breslow, author of space dinosaurs, is  being accused of self-plagiarism; he denies everything. (Nature) Some rich alumnus who credits Columbia with […]

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 – Columbia University   The Sunday CCSC meeting effectively consisted of one item, and one item only: questioning Senior Executive Vice President Robert Kasdin, Kasdin, who has been described to Bwog by council members as “the man holding the purse strings” and “the damage control guy,” has been PrezBo’s right-hand man going back to Michigan. […]

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Two years ago, we at Bwog lost the U.S. News and World Report‘s “Paper Trail” blog’s Best [Campus] Alternative Media Outlet poll to Wesleyan after some crotchety commenters lampooned their granola-eating ways and they retaliated en masse. We lost last year, too. This year, we have another foe: Yale. That’s right, now you have the […]

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Are you kept up at night by financial fears?  Yes…but PrezBo is always there for me with his consoling words.  Are you proud to be an American now with an Obama Presidency?  Yes…but Obama’s Presidency could be as disastrous as the Trojan War was for the Greeks!  Wait, who won that war?   Better check Sparknotes… […]

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Students in President Bollinger’s Freedom of Speech and Press class were met with a surprise this afternoon when their esteemed preceptor eschewed his normal rapid-fire Socratic inquiry and instead launched into an hour-long elucidation of the ongoing financial and economic meltdown. After warning us that his cell phone might start ringing during the lecture, he […]

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Do you increase Columbia’s net worth?  Or should the admissions officer have accepted Joe State in your place? Capitalism: keeping America on top!  What’s that you say China?  You are going to launch the Bird Nest into space? Money: keeping the J-School on top!  But are there going to be any newspapers left? Manhattanville’s consumer […]

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Bwog received startling news from Tipster Casey Johnston who photographed the distressing sign (see right) outside of HamDel. And just three weeks into Off-Campus Flex’s brief flirtation with existence! Bwog called HamDel, desperate for answers. “Um… I dunno,” answered a HamDel employee when questioned about the disappearance (death?) of Off-Campus Flex. CC ’09 President George […]

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The biggest day in the literary year has arrived: The announcing of 2008’s Pulitzer Winners. The Washington Post earned 6 awards this year, while hometown rag The New York Times earned just 2. Bob Dylan also earned a “Special Citation” for “his profound impact on popular music and American culture, marked by lyrical compositions of […]

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Last night, concerned citizen/tipster Karen Kwan alerted Bwog that Barnard students had once again received an email advertising free pizza. Only this time, it was to inform them that their free pizza party had moved locations. Instead of the Domino’s on 125th, the free, medium, one-topping pies had migrated south to Famiglia Pizzeria. “LOCATION CHANGE” […]

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Nussbaum & Wu is now officially parent subsidized.  That’s right gentle reader–one swipe is all you need for the most cream cheese you could ask for on a toasted bagel.  HamDel will be coming by tomorrow morning at the latest, according to BB1 (the vendor). BB1 plans to ship the equipment to Fairway tonight, so […]

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The Pellegrino splashed into champagne glasses and the trays of mini-burgers (already doused in ketchup) were stacked high on a circular table. Students and administrators milled about, waiting for Bollinger’s first Fireside Chat of the semester to begin. Expectations for the Chat were high, as many students were anxious to voice their concerns about last […]

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ESC, etc.

Last night, the ESC and their political colleagues assembled for its second formal meeting of the semester. Policy, Glass House Rocks, and mystery were aplenty. Bwogger Tony Gong reports. The meeting began unremarkably as several representatives of outside groups began to brag about all the things they had done. First up was the CC ’09 […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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