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Posts Tagged with "swim test"

The city’s second graders are getting admission to CC earlier than usual. Editor’s warning: mentions of death

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Bwog explores modern alternatives for Columbia College’s swim test.

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Senior Leo Bevilacqua bares all in this truly scary account of how a silly graduation requirement can turn into something only Spielberg can come up with for a Jaws sequel.

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Staten Island is known for its infamously large landfill (a fitting symbol for the distinctively #trash borough), the unbelievably cramped Staten Island Ferry (creeps galore!), and the Jersey Shore cast members who hail from this distant island—but other stuff happens here, like half-marathons! Congrats to the winners. (SI Live) You know you’re actually dying to figure […]

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Last Swim Test

Today at noon is the last swim test of the year, meaning that if you are a senior and you have not taken it yet, you could end up like this guy. The line for the swim test on Wednesday was this long, so if you haven’t done it yet you should probably get your butt to wherever the […]

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Saturday morning, normally a time of great sloth, is now a time of great anticipation—anticipation of Bacchanal, graduation, and, of course, the dreaded swim test.Cartoon by Abigail Santner

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Welcome back to Ask Bwog, where we try to find the answers to Columbia’s persistent questions. Anyone who has graduated from Columbia in the last 60 years can tell you that to earn a B.A. degree, you must either swim 75 m (three lengths of the pool) or take the beginner’s swimming PE class. The […]

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