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Posts Tagged with "the autumn 2012 issue"

In this latest installment of “The Conversation,” senior editor Claire Sabel speaks with the director of WKCR-FM, Ben Young, CC ’92. Young is known at Columbia’s student-run station by the moniker HBA. From this vantage point, the jazz historian has overseen generations of student programmers serve, as he once did and continues to do, the station’s […]

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Keep an eye out for a fresh issue of The Blue and White, which is lurking around campus after a Sandy-delay. In Campus Characters, the Blue & White introduces you to a handful of Columbians whose interesting and extraordinary experiences result in captivating stories. Here, staff contributor Torsten Odland introduces you to Carl Majeau, CC ’13.  I’m willing to bet that […]

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In this piece from the Autumn issue of  The Blue & White, Anna Bahr, BC ’14, introduces us to the interesting personality of the president of the CU Dems. You will probably hear Janine Balekdjian, CC ’13, before you see her. Though diminutive in stature, her voice more than compensates for her petite frame. As Peter […]

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If you’re far away or staying on campus you can still get schooled by this next piece from the new issue of The Blue & White Magazine as Will Holt explains some local history. Heading up Broadway from Columbia’s main gates, the neighborhood gets quieter. The bustling foot traffic around 116th Street dies down, and […]

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In this newest excerpt from The Blue and White, Conor Skelding tells us what the Northwest Corner Building can teach Columbia about Manhattanville. Additional reporting by Sally Gao, Luca Marzorati, and Angelica Modabber. “Did you know there’s a 15-story coffee shop by Pupin?” asked a bumbling but blunt Dean Valentini in last spring’s 118th annual Varsity […]

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In tonight’s bit of the Autumn issue of The Blue & White, Karen Brill gives us a glimpse into how the fictional stars of CW’s epic drama Gossip Girl feel about their fictional time at fictional Columbia. Hello, Upper West Siders. Columbia students are known for their ambition and talents, but it takes a certain […]

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Here’s a sneak peek of the Autumn issue of The Blue & White, which will be out next week (damn you, Sandy!). One blustery October afternoon, approximately 60 students shuffle into 501 Schermerhorn for class. Some fiddle with their water bottles, others heave hefty copies of Constitutional Law, Sixth Edition out of their bags. President […]

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