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Posts Tagged with "Janine Balekdjian"

Update, 2/14 11:45pm: CUCR confirms that, in fact, not all of the Ivy League school groups have agreed to sign on to the statement, despite what both political sides at Columbia were told from UPenn.  CUCR President Tyler Trumbach asserts that CUCR and CUDems still stand by their own joint statement and hope that the remaining […]

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The president of CU Dems Janine Balekdjian,CC ’13, replies to an article entitled “How to Save the Democratic Party” in the most recent issue of The Nation magazine. She says that the Democratic Party has not actually “left its New Deal roots,” nor has it “abandoned progressivism,” citing the Affordable Care Act as evidence. She discusses […]

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In this piece from the Autumn issue of  The Blue & White, Anna Bahr, BC ’14, introduces us to the interesting personality of the president of the CU Dems. You will probably hear Janine Balekdjian, CC ’13, before you see her. Though diminutive in stature, her voice more than compensates for her petite frame. As Peter […]

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Drama over Obamanard aside, the president of the United States coming to speak at Barnard is a BFD.  All of his carefully considered appearances are under extreme scrutiny, especially in an election year.  Thus his decision (as DSpar explained, he requested to speak and was not asked) to speak at any college had to have involved […]

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Columbia recently updated its sexual assault policy. In the latest issue of The Blue & White, staff writer Anna Bahr weighed in on the changes. Be sure to look out for the December issue soon to hit the presses. Zero tolerance implies an uncompromising, absolute application of law. When the phrase appears as the ironclad […]

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At long last, Bwog brings you the feature you’ve all been waiting for (but like, really—we’ve kept you waiting since 2009): a close look at Columbia’s best and brightest PowerSuites. In its inaugural installment, PowerSuites visits the den of four very influential juniors, through the lens of Examiner Extraordinare Alex Eynon. Join Alex as she […]

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