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Posts Tagged with "“the single woman’s sports pages: The New York TImes wedding section”"

While some Nytimes readers are quick to grab the crossword or The Ethicist, the sentimental softies among us reach for the Sunday Styles section and open straight to our weekly guilty pleasure, “Modern Love.” Tackling everything from “when your father google-stalks your boyfriends” to “my husband is now my wife,” the columns chronicle that crazy […]

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Today is the greatest day in the world—the day the noble Prince William marries his college sweetheart, the “commoner” Kate Middleton. It’s a story of love triumphing over society that has captured the hearts of Brits, admirers of royalty, and of course the media, from British tabloids and American gossip mags to the New York Times. It’s […]

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Bummer-ama in Sunday Styles today: Carol Anne Riddell and John Partilla got married last month after meeting in their children’s pre-K class and then leaving their respective spouses for each other. Oof! But the real news: they had their first date at O’Connell’s, which is, as a physical entity, the opposite of Love. Riddell and […]

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IT IS COLUMBIA. Roar, Lion, roar! Today on Daily Intel, we learned that there is a new website that makes the last 3,981 wedding announcements in the Times and made them into a database. Columbia has been mentioned 615 times. Browse and see if your TA married your other TA! Harvard had only 466 and […]

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We’ve gotten like 1,000 emails this morning (Columbia, you’re quite partial to the Weddings Section!) about the New York Times marriage announcement of PrezBo’s son, who is also named Lee C. Bollinger and looks exactly like him. (Speculates one friend of Bwog, “Obviously PrezBo has really powerful genes.”) Lee C. Bollinger the younger, or Young […]

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