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Posts Tagged with "theatre review"

Columbia MFA Directing’s latest thesis Medea is a post-apocalyptic tragedy that focuses on the eponymous character’s descent into madness as she faces injustices.

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Columbia’s MFA Acting production of Lynn Nottage’s Fabulation: or the Re-Education of Undine at the Lenfest Center for the Arts is a masterclass in production design and dual role acting.

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Internal Editor Vivian Zhou and Staff Writer Daniel Ortega-Venni took a trip down the rabbit hole to see Alice in Wonderland put on by Columbia Blue Gaze Theater. This is what they thought. 

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A Bwog Staffer and self-proclaimed techie attended CMTS’ Saturday matinee performance of Pippin at the Minor Latham Playhouse directed by Barnard junior, Sophia Houdaigui and produced by Sarah Leidich (BC ‘21) and Sila Puhl (CC ‘21).

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Donna Qi attended the final performance of KCST’s production of Charles Mee’s adaptation of The Bacchae by Euripides, entitled The Bacchae 2.1. The show was directed by Carolyn Friedman (CC ‘21) and produced by Mario Garcia (CC ‘21) and Mira Soni (CC ‘21). Qi had a lot of fun viewing the chaotic and tragic fun […]

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Although he doesn’t often review theatrical performances, Editor Finn Klauber felt it his responsibility to release a measured review of a recent performance of Seneca’s Troades, which will have two final showings tomorrow afternoon and evening.  Syncretizing the performance of a Classical tragedy with artistic elements reminiscent of modernity is no small challenge. As key […]

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