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Posts Tagged with "arts review"

Erika Avallone BC ‘26, Bwog Staff Writer, undergoes a characteristic change at The MaMa Project 2024. Now, she will protect bugs with her whole heart and soul.  

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Editor in Chief Sahmaya Busby and former News Editor Paulina Rodriguez were taken to Area 51 at the closing night of First Stage’s production REDACTED.

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Staff Writers Jacquie Traenkle and Olivia Chiroiu review Much Ado About Nothing, directed by Isabel Beatriz Tongson (BC ‘26), which ran in the Lerner Black Box Theater from November 17th to November 18th.

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BC junior Daniella Sapone’s original musical tells the story of Isa, a person who stutters.

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On Saturday, April 21, Staff Writers Maya Reisner and Isa RingswaldEgan attended Pale Fire Theater’s production of This Is Our Youth staged at the American Theater of Actors. 

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Daily Editor Lucia Towne attended Uptown Vocal’s Midsemester Cabaret on Saturday, February 25 at 8 pm in the Wien Lounge.

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Columbia MFA Directing’s latest thesis Medea is a post-apocalyptic tragedy that focuses on the eponymous character’s descent into madness as she faces injustices.

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Columbia’s MFA Acting production of Lynn Nottage’s Fabulation: or the Re-Education of Undine at the Lenfest Center for the Arts is a masterclass in production design and dual role acting.

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On Wednesday, Staff Writer Emily Yi attended the second night of the premiere of Hahn Rowe’s Something About the Weather at the Lenfest Center for the Arts. The work is part of Columbia University School of the Arts’ year-long public engagement series, themed “To Transform”. 

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On Friday, February 3, Events Editor Ava Slocum attended the opening of Columbia’s Black Theatre Ensemble’s staged reading of A Raisin in the Sun, running through February 5 in the Lerner Black Box.

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On Monday, December 12, Arts Editor Grace Novarr and Events Editor Ava Slocum attended the one and only performance of How the Grinch Saved XMAS! 17: A Midwinter Night’s Fever Dream.

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Arts Editor Grace Novarr reviews Camp Cattywampus, an original play by Tess Inderbitzin (BC ‘25) and Abigail Duclos (BC ‘23), which ran in the Glicker-Milstein Theatre on November 18 and 19.

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On Thursday, April 28, Staff Writers Kate Mekechuk and Simon Panfilio attended KCST’s performance of The Knight of the Burning Pestle, running April 28, 29, and 30th at 8 pm in front of Kent Hall.

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Staff Writer Sofía Trujillo attended Peter Coleman’s and Pádraig Ó Tuama’s ongoing workshop on Conflict through Poetry at the Center of Cooperation and Conflict Resolution at Teachers College, in collaboration with Columbia’s Earth Institute.

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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