You may have heard about Columbia’s triumphant near-win last night. Baller Jeremy Sherman brings you the inside scoop. Columbia Athletics has finally gained some national attention, and deservedly so. The Lion Ballers had their best loss of the season, and possibly one of the best for any Columbia sport in recent memory. On Friday, Columbia […]
Earlier today, Bwog sat down with Pat Blute. Blute, of BwogWeather and HardCore fame, has been of late consumed by the production of his new rock-opera, SPEARS: The Gospel According to Britney. Tickets go on sale at 5 pm today, and will sell out fast. Blute, director and creator, is pretty excited. Bwog sat down with […]
The CAs have planned CU Search—advertised to be “the most epic photo scavenger hunt of all time,” for all CC and SEAS students. Similar to Assassins—but with less time spent hiding in your target’s closet—you form a team of 3+ people and complete as many clues as possible, recording it all photographically. Plus there are prizes! […]
The LitHum department has been brewing something special this year: Homer’s Odyssey in the style of Sleep No More, performed throughout Hamilton. There are two free performances on Friday April 20th and Saturday April 21st beginning at 8 pm in Hamilton lobby. Bwog talked to Darragh Martin, a preceptor in LitHum completing his PhD in Theatre and […]
Today marks the start of Symposium: A Weeklong Music Festival. Or, as we like to refer to it, Symposium: A Weeklong Concert with Tons of Free Food—we hope it catches on. A joint effort between Live at Lerner, Bacchanal, and Postcrypt Coffeehouse, the Symposium will feature concerts in Lerner Piano Lounge with fully catered free […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025