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Posts Tagged with "baccha90s"

Loved Bacchanal and want to reexperience it?  Can’t remember what it looked like?  Missed it because you were too lame being stuck in Butler?  Have no fear, the crew caught it all in this handy thank you video. In case you didn’t make it to the end of the vid, don’t forget Space Jam will be […]

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After their awesome Bacchanal set yesterday, Bwog met up with Dominic Lalli and Jeremy Salkin of Big Gigantic in their Kent 4 green room. Despite initial doubts, concert-goers, upon reflection, had a great time. It was a real bacchic frenzy. Bwog: So, what did you guys think about playing on campus, in a neoclassical setting, how is […]

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Guide To Bacchanal

From Chewbacchanal to Abacchalypse to Barkanal, some of us have seen many a Bacchanal come and go. But for those who haven’t—or for those whose memories of said festivities are suspiciously “blank”—here’s a little refresher course in what to expect. When and Where Today. Duh. The performances start at 2 pm, and will go ’til […]

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Today marks the start of Symposium: A Weeklong Music Festival.  Or, as we like to refer to it, Symposium: A Weeklong Concert with Tons of Free Food—we hope it catches on.  A joint effort between Live at Lerner, Bacchanal, and Postcrypt Coffeehouse, the Symposium will feature concerts in Lerner Piano Lounge with fully catered free […]

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Big Gigantic will be headlining, with Wavves and Curren$y as the opening acts. Spicy Special will be the student group opener. Seeing as the theme is Baccha90s, we were sorta expecting someone from not this decade too, but whatevs. It could be worse. So get psyched—the concert is only two weeks away!

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An opportunity to find eternal fame and glory: open for the main act of this year’s spring concert. You could meet somebody famous, which would make you more famous, which is, like, the most important thing a person can be. As they did last year, Bacchanal is looking for a student group to open for Baccha90s. Try out! […]

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Remember how Bacchanal is 90s themed this year? The good people at Baccha90s want to put you and your cherished childhoods to work designing the event’s official T-shirt! So if you have an idea, send it their way. The contest ends tomorrow (as in, “Don’t Stop Thinking About…“) (yes, it came out in ’77, but […]

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If you’re looking for an excuse to hold on to some of your old Beanie Babies, you’re in luck—this year’s Bacchanal theme will be Baccha90s, according to Bacchanal VP Kay Sorin. We’re not sure where this will fall on the spectrum between Oasis and Spice Girls, so in preparation we’ll be cycling every Now! CD […]

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