Hark! Bwog stumbled upon something new outside of everyone’s favorite place to wait online on Sunday mornings, Community Food & Juice: a new “stroller parking” section, which can be found outside the entrance along a metal bar of scaffolding. That’s right, here in New York City’s more family-friendly crevices, we don’t have parking for cars, […]
This message found taped to an EC vending machine. Not that angry statements against laundry aggressors aren’t that novel, but this one’s pretty harsh… ATTENTION: To whoever stole my year-supply of TIDE detergent (w/Febreze): I would like to tell you personally, that you are a douchebag. You couldn’t grab like a load’s-worth of detergent, you […]
Overheard outside East Campus during the second fire alarm of the night, ‘round midnight: “My entire suite is still in there!” To departing firefighters: “Sorry it wasn’t real,..” Guy walking by the crowd outside EC: What’s this for? Bystander: It’s a fire alarm. Guy walking: Oh. Fuck that shit. Bwog has also heard that three […]
Well, as promised, Bored at Butler is back up before the school year has started…or a generic, universalized for other universities, less usable version thereof. Now called ChatterU, it’s, um … a really cool name?
“Brooklyn,” A Movie Review
February 12, 2025“Brooklyn,” A Movie Review
February 12, 2025Fireside Chat With Dr. Anthony Fauci On Public Health And Pandemics
February 11, 2025Speak Now: Joan Jonas
February 10, 2025