Typically in listserv fuck-up posts, we remind you to never ever hit “reply all.” This time, however, we have a cautionary tale of checking the “send” line so you don’t reveal your egotistical jackass-ery to the full listserv and end up offending someone. Spec’s Publisher sent an email tonight that was supposed to go to […]
Interim Provost John Coatsworth and Senior Executive Vice President Robert Kasdin sent an email a moment ago “to provide basic guidance in recognizing and responding to behavioral warning signs for potential threats to community safety.” Though the incident is not mentioned explicitly, one cannot help but be reminded of the tragic shooting that occurred earlier […]
“Brooklyn,” A Movie Review
February 12, 2025“Brooklyn,” A Movie Review
February 12, 2025Fireside Chat With Dr. Anthony Fauci On Public Health And Pandemics
February 11, 2025Speak Now: Joan Jonas
February 10, 2025